Technique Intro - get started

Free the Flow of Information

Foster Resilience with Bodywork

It's a meridan, it's motion, it's energy, it's.... Governing Vessel!

The Challenges of Awakening

Governing Vessel: Primitive & Specialized Expressions in the Body

The Evolving Heart Chakra

5 Secrets of the Chakras

Integrating the Chakras into Your Daily Life

Taking the Chakras Beyond Intellectual Curiosity

Chakras: a life-changing use case

The Chakras: keys to health, wealth & adventure

Healthy Hara, Healthy Holidays

Energy Follows Attention

Beginner's Mind: cultivate a listening approach

The Spiritual Development of a Practitioner

The Body has the Power to Heal Itself

A Person's Ki Reflects Their Life

Whole Body Ki: a fundamental principle of shiatsu