It's a meridan, it's motion, it's energy, it's.... Governing Vessel!
Shin Tai is a form of shiatsu that focuses on the evaluation and treatment of governing vessel. Any bodyworker, whether they do massage, shiatsu, craniosacral or another manual therapy, can add governing vessel into their work to upgrade the effectiveness of their treatments. In fact, we consider it an integral part of a therapist's repertoire.
Governing Vessel: meridian and motion
It’s a meridian, it’s motion, it’s energy, it’s…. governing vessel. Traditionally, governing vessel is seen as a meridian running along the spinal column. While it is certainly this, we consider it to be much more. Governing vessel is a primal force of motion that permeates the whole body. In shin tai bodywork, a modality developed by Saul Goodman, governing vessel is a primary focus in evaluation and treatment.
A main focus for Shin tai practitioners is on restoring the flow of governing vessel.
Governing vessel is the 'governor' of the other meridians. It originates in the first energy current that ignites at conception. It’s an information not only how to develop from an embryo to an adult, but also the information on how to evolve further along our path of manifestation. It generates vision, information and inspiration for our growing selves.
The Development of Governing Vessel
The governing vessel is the most primitive part of the human information system. At the moment of conception, a circuit of energy is created, which becomes the governing vessel (and its sister meridian, the conception vessel). This is the core information system for the growing fetus. Governing vessel directs the development of the more specialized energy currents (meridians) in a growing embryo, as well as the creation of the nervous system, organs, glands, bones, etc.
GV is the core information system for a growing fetus.
Although at first this original circuit of energy permeates the cell membrane of the fertilized ovum, it develops into the more mature governing vessel meridian, which has its external branch running along the path of the spine. While being an electromagnetic current, GV also manifests into the spinal cord, vertebral column and brain. The vertebral column is considered the most materialized aspect of governing vessel energy. In other words, the spine itself is the material manifestation of governing vessel energy.
Along the pathway of the Governing Vessel (GV) there is a unique convergence of a number of energy conducting information systems. The bony spine, the nervous system, the meninges, the cerebrospinal fluid and the GV meridian are all moving up and down this central ‘channel’ along the back of the body. When these systems interchange freely person enjoys a greater state of well-being. Motion and the wave impulse move freely. When there are interruptions along the GV pathway because of stress, misalignment or compression, the life begins to reflect it on all levels. Motion becomes more restricted, and life becomes more restricted.
Bringing More Freedom to Governing Vessel
You can improve the flow of GV through bodywork treatments, especially shiatsu/shin tai work which has a particular focus on this part of the body. Practitioners of this modality learn how to perceive, evaluate and stimulate this primal layer of chi. GV is particularly effective at liberating one’s unique endowment of life force. It’s the ‘Inner Director’ that can steer someone with clarity and strength as they navigate their daily life.
You can also use your awareness to travel inwards and interface with GV and its related components. This activates your ability to not only heal, but develop and evolve. You can listen and do a guided process on just that in one of our podcast episodes called A Source of Inspiration & Information: The Governing Vessel. This process will empower you to utilize the information and energy available right inside of your very cells, as well as empower you to become an active participant in your own evolution.
Restoring the motion of GV leads to more free exchange of information throughout the body. Stress and its compensatory misalignments release and adjust. The other meridians and energetic components, like the chakras, begin to function more optimally. Organs operate better, circulation and respiration improve, and metabolism increases. Life transitions such as puberty, menopause or mid-life awakening are supported. Goals and priorities become clear and one can appreciate the potential of the life they already have. It’s like coming back online, or back in-sync with one’s inner power on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.