Healthy Hara, Healthy Holidays
What is hara?
Hara is a Japanese word. Anatomically, it refers to the abdomen, but it means much more than that. It’s the core of a person, not only physically, but also energetically. It is a reflection of our mind, body and spirit.
Each individual is seen as a microcosm of the universe, and the hara is seen as a microcosm of a person's whole life. When you strengthen hara, you’re shifting your whole being towards wholeness, vitality, and balance. For the bodywork practitioner, treatment of the hara (ampuku) often presents the greatest opportunity for transformation of the client’s well being.
Healthy Hara, Healthy Holidays
Often during the holidays there is an abundance of excitement and love, but it can come along with lots of food, drink, anxiety and stress. This can lead to digestive issues not only physically, but also at the emotional and mental levels. One of the best options to stay well is to do hara treatment. Whether it’s for yourself, clients, family or friends, hara massage is a wonderful way to get strong and clear.
At the basic physical level, hara treatment has many positive effects in the body including better circulation, digestion, absorption, and oxygenation. Blood quality improves. Hormonal function steps up, reproductive organs awaken and sexual energy receives a boost. The flow of Conception Vessel, the meridian that energizes our ability to materialize our thoughts and dreams, is increased. The physical and energetic benefits are tremendous!
Holiday Gift: Hara Course Flash Sale!
Liver pump technique
The online video instruction course ‘Hara: Treatment of the Digestive & Circulatory Systems’ presents a powerful treatment protocol for working with the digestive and circulatory systems through the hara (abdomen). Detailed videos and accompanying written materials will lead you step-by-step through a technique sequence that can be integrated with any modality of hands-on bodywork.
In addition to technique instruction, you will be introduced to a unique theory of hara that will expand your capacity to give strong, transformative treatments. There is also a section on facial diagnosis to help you assess what techniques are most important for each client. If you’re eager to increase the physical, emotional and spiritual vitality of your clients, then this course is for you.
To celebrate the holidays, you can enroll in this course at a great discount through today. Click the link below for information and registration:
You Can Treat Your Own Hara
Self Hara Massage, also called Do-In, is a powerful option for boosting your strength and clarity.
Self Hara massage is part of Do-In (dō-een’), a very basic yet powerful practice of self shiatsu. In 5-15 minutes you can do some self hara treatment anytime you want a boost of strength and clarity. It’s a great way to shift your condition for the better, both physically and mentally. Click here for simple directions.