The Chakras: keys to health, wealth & adventure

What are the chakras?

Your energy system is made up of various components that each have their own physiology and functions. The chakras are one part of this system. These are centers of energy that circulate into your physical body and also extend outward through your vibrational field.

There are 7 main chakras that each relate to an area of the physical body. When a chakra operates smoothly, its related physical functions work well; this could include the associated gland, organs, joints and nerve plexus. But if a chakra becomes distorted, compressed or misaligned due to various stresses, negative symptoms can develop in the body, as well as in the emotions and mental state. Below is a short video about the chakras and how they affect our bodies, mind and spirit that you are invited to enjoy.

Click the link below to learn more about your chakras:

The Chakra Workout: life-changing practices for health, wealth & adventure

In this online course you learn a step-by-step framework to adjust your chakras and harmonize their related functions, emotions and mind sets. Click the link below to find out more:


Chakras: a life-changing use case


Healthy Hara, Healthy Holidays