Your Body is a Treasure - Do you know how to open and access its wonders?

Your Body is Evolving

Your body is a treasure. It’s your very own fragment of earth, a materialized representation of your soul. With it you move, talk, eat, touch…. listen, wonder, think, look…. cavort, love and create. You can even use your body to create a new body. What you may not realize is that your body isn’t finished evolving. The various energies streaming through and beyond your physical layers are rapidly expanding into a coordinated system: your developing light body.

If you’re interested enough in this topic to be reading this article, chances are that your energy system is already in a state of change and acceleration. This is most likely creating certain symptoms, sensitivities and abilities of which you may or may not be fully aware. It’s important to begin to work with your energy system as things accelerate; there are many ways to do this, including different kinds of meditation, yoga, and various spiritual practices. The unique light body activation materials presented by Saul Goodman offer a reliable, safe and effective framework to learn how to connect to and operate this expanding you. It offers a pathway to come into an on-purpose relationship with your developing energy system as it evolves into a functioning light body.

A Growing Awareness

As the energy in your body accelerates, parts of you that have been active that you may have never consciously noticed come into your awareness. This may occur during different activities, especially ones that you really enjoy, and also during some phases of sleep/dreaming. It could be that you realize some of these things have been happening since you were very young. Various practices, like certain forms of yoga and meditation, include focus on how to work with this process of activation.

The light body activation materials that we present are specifically designed to support you in learning how to feel, identify and operate components of your developing energy system in a safe and effective way. A specific form of exercise provides a pathway to sensitize your nervous system so that you can feel subtle sensations, enabling you to consciously register vibrations, like those of a rotating chakra or the energy field around your physical body. It is not a hit-or-miss kind of thing; you learn a few simple things that activate your proprioceptive system, the part of your nervous system that monitors where you are in space and time. This is a unique tool that allows you to alter perception through your actual physiology!

At first some of the ideas may seem vague. You may not be able to connect to some of the suggestions that are given during the meditative processes. Gradually though, things come into focus, and you can recognize and work with components like the outerbody layers, chakras, cranial bones and kundalini channels. These all begin to synthesize and work in a coordinated way.

Becoming aware of your developing energy system alone accelerates its activity. Then, as things register consciously you can learn how to direct some of the activity and use it in all kinds of ways. This is healthy and entertaining and has numerous benefits, including:

  • Release stress

  • Strengthen your body/mind

  • Connect to deeper aspects of your true nature

  • Relate better to family and friends

  • Work on specific issues like health, relationships and life direction

  • Contribute a vibration of love & consciousness to our earth community

A Process of Discovery

Think of how a baby goes through a process of connecting to their body. When a baby is a few days old they have no conscious connection yet to their body - they don’t even know they have one. Laying on their back at a few months old, they kick and squirm and begin to take hold of their feet. They may spend hours staring at their wiggling toes and try to grasp them, fascinated. They gradually discover that these curiously complex moving things are theirs, and they are connected to a whole body that is theirs! They can even move them at will and eventually use them to stand up and walk. And then run. What a miracle! We adults watch this process, knowing where it leads and enjoying the unfolding journey the child moves through as they grow into awareness of their physical self.

For most of us, coming into conscious contact with our developing light body goes through a similar process. We are like little babies discovering parts of ourselves that have been here all along but we didn’t realize it. And once we do, a vast new realm of possibilities opens up. You can ‘use’ these vibrational aspects of your body to explore, learn and create. You might not yet be able to really imagine the new dimensions of experience that await you, because they are so different than what you have been involved in up to now. If you’re listening to this, you’ve been yearning for this expansion and your system is already in a state of accelerated development.

Open the Treasure That is Your Body

Your body is such a wonderful vehicle to learn, explore, travel, interact and create. We have only begun to tap into its potential and I encourage you to delve deeper into this treasure that is all yours to enjoy.

You are welcome to use our materials to support you in this process; there is a list of options below. Our intention is that they expand your well-being and creativity and that this reverberates out to benefit our shared world. Hope to see you in this dimension and others as we all continue to learn, grow and develop~

Light Body Activation Resources

Click the links below to learn more about light body activation:


Healthy Hara, Healthy Holidays


The Evolution of Sexuality & Gender