Shiatsu is a practice of balancing ki. We use our perception of energy and vibration to harmonize unequal forces of a receiver’s ki to improve their state of well being. We move ki, calm ki, activate ki, soften ki, etc. We do this with our intention and attention.

Consciousness can be used to direct energy in our treatments and in our life. In treatment, we can form our intention to direct energy where and how we want it to flow within the receiver's body. In life, we can use consciously formed intention to direct energy in order to create the circumstances we desire.

Shiatsu practitioners are not curing people. They are entering into a partnership that encourages the innate healing power of all involved to awaken. This is where we can set our intention and focus our attention. Energy follows attention.

To explore this principle more, click the link below:

Techniques of the Masters - an online course

Explore our comprehensive online course in traditional shiatsu called 'Techniques of the Masters.’ Experienced shiatsu practitioners can benefit from expanding and deepening their repertoire, while new students can begin their journey into this fascinating and effective touch therapy. Click below for info & enrollment:


The Evolution of Sexuality & Gender


Beginner's Mind: cultivate a listening approach