Integrating the Chakras into Your Daily Life

The chakras are a core layer of our system, and learning how to work with them strengthens the core of our being. They are portals through which life force flows in and out of our physical body, feeding energy inward and distributing it throughout the organs, muscles, glands and nervous system.

We present a way to work with the chakras that isn’t associated with a belief system, religion or meditation practice. However, you can integrate this approach with any of those things. You can work with the material on its own or in combination with other self-development and fitness regimens.

The point is to learn how to harmonize the chakras and then integrate the skill into your daily life for health, wealth and adventure. We welcome you to learn more about this by watching the video below:

The Chakra Workout: life-changing practices for health, wealth & adventure

In this online course you learn a step-by-step framework to adjust your chakras and harmonize their related functions, emotions and mind sets. Click the link below to find out more:


Gender Issues Reflect Our Changing Bodies


Taking the Chakras Beyond Intellectual Curiosity