Taking the Chakras Beyond Intellectual Curiosity
Moving from concept to direct encounter
Wouldn’t it be amazing to be able to harmonize your chakras in a palpable way and then see how this influences whatever you’re doing? Our intention is to provide opportunities for you to take your curiosity about chakras beyond an intellectual, conceptual experience into a visceral experience. In other words, we’ll be presenting a unique framework that guides you into a direct experience so that you can feel and adjust your chakras.
When working with our energy system it can be challenging to stay focused and clear. We can’t necessarily perceive what’s happening, since most of the activity is not able to be seen or felt or heard with our ‘regular’ senses. It can hard to navigate in a practical way, leaving us open to distraction and skimming along from area to area without any real penetration.
For example, maybe you’ve tried to connect to your root chakra. You may imagine where it is, how it looks and what it’s doing. But it may feel vague and it’s tough to keep your concentration. You’re not sure what to ‘do’ when you do feel anything. This can lead to frustration and/or insecurity. Many people give up quickly after trying something like this in a yoga class or on their own.
Working with our chakras requires a step-by-step process
What if you had a step-by-step process that provides your mind with a framework to follow? And what if you knew how to validate your experience along the way? Saul has been developing just that so that anyone (and yes that includes you!) can work with their chakras for real life applications. You can use this new detailed system in all kinds of ways. Here are some of the real-life applications we used just today:
increase stamina while hiking
slow down heart rate quickly after exertion
ease discomfort of indigestion after eating something disagreeable
increase absorption of nutrients from food
stimulate hormone secretion for mood balancing & improvement
We’ve barely begun to understand the chakras
Us humans have barely begun to understand the chakras. It’s possible to learn much more about their physiology and function, and how to harmonize them on-purpose to enrich our lives. We’ve only begun to scratch the surface, literally, when it comes to using our mind to connect to our body. With some guidance and practice it can become as real to you to adjust a chakra as it is when you press your phone screen to type a text message.
To send a text, you have an intention, you connect that intention to your hands and click click click your fingers are tapping away in the right order to write what you want to communicate. You can learn how to consciously work with your chakras in the same way, and learn how to ground the changes at a practical level rather than just mental stimulation. In other words, you can use your mind to affect your energy system.
Try an experiment right now
Let’s try a little experiment right now. Before you read any further, take a few deep slow breaths. Bring the air along the back of your nasal passages. Now breathe more quietly, as if you are whispering your breath.
Notice how you feel in your body. Can you feel the shape of yourself as you read these words? Close your eyes for a moment and see if you can feel an image of your outline.
Now send attention to your solar plexus. As you focus in this area, see if you can generate a numb or tingling sensation there. Breathe slowly and quietly along the back of your nose. Try again to gently feel into your solar plexus. Do you notice any sensations there? If you do, your mind is beginning to connect to your body. And now your mind, your consciousness, can do some pretty interesting things with this.
Let’s go a little further. On purpose, gently tighten and then release tension in your solar plexus. Do this a few times. Keep some attention on any numb or tingling sensations that you notice in that region. Now stop the tensing and releasing and encourage the solar plexus to relax. Feel into this area and notice any sensations.
If you don’t notice much of anything don’t worry. Just notice what you do notice, even if it is nothing. That alone has value. Sometimes it can take a few more steps to expand into a place where you can feel subtle sensations, and like anything else, this takes practice. Most of us have been trained from a very early age to send our attention away from our body, so it can take a little time and guidance to find your way back into your dear self. Anyone can increase their ability to feel and adjust their energy system, and that includes you!
A relaxed solar plexus = patience, balanced energy and an increased capacity to digest information. After making this small adjustment to your body, it may be that you notice something different in your experience as you read the rest of this article.
Harmonizing the chakras supports us to change out-dated thought patterns & behaviors
The chakras are an integral component of your energy system. You can learn to feel and work with them to support the changes you want to make in how you think, feel and behave.
Have you tried to change out-dated thought patterns, but they continue to show up? Have you ever struggled to shift a dysfunctional emotional reaction, yet find it surfacing over and over? Your body holds the story of your life within its cells, including all the unresolved stresses and events that have made you who you are today. It emanates a vibrational blueprint out into the world and helps to keep recreating who you have become despite your efforts to change.
Working with the chakras helps us to change
We can make changes in our physical and emotional health in all kinds of ways: exercise, diet, meditation, therapy, affirmations, practicing law of attraction or The Work, etc. All of these things are wonderful and can stimulate deep shifts. But most of us rarely think about using our chakras as an integral tool for well-being. We may have some vague ideas about them and think about them once in awhile, but it’s not like they’re a primary part of our health regimen. What if these energy centers are one of the most efficient ways to change our health for the better?