Our goal when treating is to free the flow of information through the body. This could be at the layer of the bones, muscles, meridians, glands, chakras, etc. Perhaps you focus on one or more of these dimensions within the body depending on your interests and your training.

When restrictive forces are released, the body’s life force can flow unimpeded. The receiver’s true nature is unveiled and empowered. Their own innate knowledge of how to self-balance, self-heal and self-develop activates. So we aren’t healing anyone…. we are facilitating the flow of energy so that they can strengthen and balance naturally.

Click the play button below to listen to a short clip about this. It’s from our new online course ‘Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments’:

Learn a gentle, non-force method to do vertebral corrections with online course ‘Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments’:


Technique Intro - get started


You can do vertebral adjustments through the cranial sutures?