Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments: a unique, gentle method for aligning the spine & sacrum

Would you like to learn a gentle yet penetrating method for doing vertebral and sacroiliac adjustments through the cranial sutures? The clip below is a sample of an instruction video for this technique from our online course Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments. You can use it to get started understanding the principles behind this method as well as try out the beginning steps yourself!

This technique moves beyond simply correcting vertebral subluxations: it allows you to affect the forces underlying compromised areas, activating alignment at many levels in the body and life. This brings a broad spectrum of benefits to those you touch while expanding your own skills, perception and alignment.

Why will you love this technique? Although it's non-force and very gentle, it's very penetrating and effective. You'll be offering your clients a unique option for restoring mobility and alignment without any abrupt cracking maneuvers that the body often can't accommodate. ​And it's easy to integrate it into any work you already do!

Click the play button below to watch a partial demonstration of this technique. It’s from our new online course ‘Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments’:

Learn this gentle, non-force method to do vertebral corrections with online course ‘Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments’:


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