The Healing Process
To transform underlying patterns that are preventing the full expression of your true nature/soul vibration usually requires that you take the reins into your own hands at some point. Others can of course support and facilitate change through treatments and therapies, often having major positive influence. But in order to access the deepest layers of self-realization we need to be involved directly in our own process.
Only a small percentage of people are willing to engage in this depth of healing. If you’re reading this, you are most likely one of them. It involves commitment, focus, courage and the will to change. Listen to the video below to hear more on this topic:
Upcoming 1 day livestream class on December 2nd:
Self Adjustment of the Spine, Ribcage & Cranial System
Learn a new form of self-treatment to adjust your spine, pelvic structure, ribcage and cranial bones in this 1 day livestream class. Using a step-by-step process, you’ll discover how to stimulate alignment at multiple layers of your being for greater ease, energy and insight.
Click the button below to learn more:
Taking care of yourself is not a luxury, it’s a potent contribution our earth community
You probably enjoy taking care of yourself, but most of us think we shouldn’t take the time for it, that it’s a luxury. Instead we can view self-care and development as a necessary part of being an effective bodyworker who facilitates health and transformation in their clients. Schedule a certain amount of time each day or week to take care of yourself. This can involve both self-healing practices and professional development. Doing this is of course very good for your health (physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually), but improving your condition and honing technical skills is also necessary to have a thriving practice that you find stimulating.
It’s often easiest to schedule your self-care at the beginning of each day. If you make this non-negotiable there's no hemming and hawing or decisions to make. This time can include some kind of physical workout, as well as stretching and hara massage. It’s great to have different options that give you the flexibility to follow what's best for your body that day: working with weights, yoga, or other types of exercises you can find from classes or on YouTube or Instagram. Then, especially if you’re a shiatsu/shin tai therapist or do some kind of work that involves working with energy, include some work with your own energy system. This could include qi gong, proprioceptive exercise, meditation or chakra balancing and light body activation. Sometimes you may need to push yourself a bit to get started, but after a few minutes you will most likely get into it. An hour is wonderful but even 15 minutes can do wonders.
Making time to work with your dear self is not only for your own health and sanity, it could be the most potent contribution you can make to our earth community. It's much easier to be a conscious, compassionate person who radiates love when your body feels strong and flexible. Loosening things up, getting blood flowing and joints moving, harmonizing your energy system.... it feels great, can be very entertaining, and sets you up to be calibrated to expanded frequency ranges of yourself. Rather than living from the limited perception of a fragmented personality, you get to experience the power of your more soul-aligned self.
If you have little kids at home or other needs that make it seem impossible to take this time for yourself, remember that it will pay off with more time afterwards. When you're feeling well and aligned, even if it's 10% better than before, your productivity with everything else goes up. Plus your capacity to listen to your children/mate/friends/etc. also increases. You can even tell family that you have to take a 'time-out' in order to get yourself into a better place.
Self-care/development is integral to a thriving practice
Why is self-care/self-development integral to a good practice? It strengthens our condition so we can move with ease and flexibility when applying various stretches and techniques. It brings our body into a frequency range that facilitates clear vision and understanding. It helps us see clearly what is needed during treatment, and to convert techniques and information into a creative process during the work. When we’re in a clear, creative mode we feel strong, inspired and satisfied with our work.
Working on your own in a secluded treatment room is a self-development practice in and of itself. It’s solely up to you to stay engaged and present during each treatment. Most of us do not have a boss, we don't get reviewed, and don't have to answer to anyone else other than our clients. It can be easy for the mind and heart to drift. Maybe you think that the next session will be more interesting.... or that you will pay attention more once you can use a certain technique, or you finish doing the laundry, or go on a walk, or your client really needs you, etc. etc. You get the picture. We've all been there.
Maybe the most important thing that will keep you inspired in your practice is to realize that giving treatments is integrated with your own development. Every session is an opportunity for you to expand understanding of yourself, your family, and the cycles of life. Recognizing what we get from giving treatments can help keep them interesting.
Self-Adjustment of the Spine, Ribcage & Cranial System
a 1 day livestream class on December 2nd
Elevate your health & consciouness with this dynamic new form of self-treatment.