Decentralized Spiritual Growth: Moving Beyond the Paradigm of Teacher/Student
This phase of our experience here on Earth involves a rapid expansion of our energy system into a fully functioning light body. This provides us with an amazing capability: your body becomes a library, a virtual inner-net of information, and you can learn how to navigate its vast matrix of connections in order to learn and create and have fun. You can use your consciousness to purposefully pursue expanded states of awareness and experience without needing traditional resources (like books or the internet) to get information, and without needing a guru or belief system to structure the path ahead of you.
Element Exercises: Invoke the forces of nature for healing, learning & entertainment
Invoke the powers of the elements in your body and enter into a vast array of opportunities for healing, learning and entertainment. You can contact these elements by expanding your frequency, opening the outerbody membranes and doing specific motions that call each element into closer contact within your field. The natural elements that we will work with are earth, water, fire, air and ether.
Soul Star Alignment: Reveal the Meaning of Your Life Path
Do you crave to have more clarity and fulfillment in your daily life? Do you ever want MORE out of everything, even though you don’t really know what that means? Do you wonder if you’re wasting your talents and energy and feel almost desperate to channel them towards something that you know is of value, to you and the world around you? A root cause of these feelings is being out of alignment with our soul vibration. Trying to function without the power and direction that the soul provides is an incredibly challenging way to live. Today we will do a meditative process that will support you in directly contacting this wider aspect of your being, the soul, and come into a deeper alignment with its vibration in order to bring more clarity, fulfillment and purpose into your life.
Connecting to Nature: Permeability & The Cranial Bones
Journey into the frequency of the trees. Listen to birdsong with your whole body, not just your ears. Feel sunshine penetrate deep into your bones. Connect to the extended mycelium network that lies within the soil . Today we’ll expand our energy field to enter into a deeper communion with nature. In order to do that, we’ll go into more depth working with our outerbody and how it functions as a semi-permeable, selective membrane. We’ll also add a new component: working with the cranial bones. This gives us the capacity to release stress throughout the body and further open the outerbody membranes. We’ll focus on using these skills to come into closer relationship with our lovely planet and all of its resident beings.
Livestream Harmony: Tuning Your Body for Vibrational Activism
We have an option to adjust our condition, adjust our body’s physiology, in order to broadcast and receive within a certain band of experience. Like fine tuning a radio dial, we can make macro and micro adjustments to our frequency in order to align with the station we want to hear and the content we want to broadcast. And, just like a radio dial, even a small adjustment can suddenly unfurl a unique world right before our very ears and eyes and heart. In today’s guided process, we will be using many of the elements of previous episodes in order to expand our frequencies, explore some components of our developing energy system and make adjustments to bring ourselves into more alignment individually and as a human community.
The Chakras: Libraries of In-formation
Today we will journey into the world of our chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy that provide an interface between the physical body and the more vibrational aspects of ourselves . You could think of each chakra as a library, holding vast amounts of information that you can enter into, explore and experience. In order to make this connection to the chakras, it is necessary to expand the frequencies of your body and sensitize yourself to more subtle, vibrational perceptions. You can then enter into these portals of information and make adjustments that enrich your physical, emotional and mental health.
Boost Immunity & Healing: The Thymus Gland
Do a guided process that’s specifically targeted to boost your immune function for greater physical and mental health. We will also go through an effective method to bring healing energy into some area of your life that is challenging right now. The key that we’ll be working with to do these things is your thymus gland, which increases the capacity for immunity and healing. Using this process is a wonderful way to navigate more safely through any negative viral influences that may be streaming around you, whether they are physical, emotional or psychological.
Activate Your Inner Guidance System
Learn how to activate and use your inner guidance system so that you have more clarity, balance and vitality in your daily life. There is a physiological component to inner guidance, and it's called the proprioceptive system. Like an inner GPS, proprioceptive awareness will give you accurate information about small and maybe even large adjustments to make to enrich and expand your ongoing experience.
Proprioceptive Exercise & The Bioplasmic Body
In this episode, we are going to go further into the meditative activity called proprioceptive exercise. This heightens a proprioceptive awareness and increases your body’s natural ability to align and regulate itself. Sensations become amplified as sensitivity to small degrees of physical experience is heightened. Once this process is started we will bring our focus to the space around the physical body, which is the outerbody or the bioplasmic body. This functions as a semi-permeable, selective membrane. We will explore some of the characteristics of this developing system and interface directly with its different layers.
Your Entry into the Light Body Activation Process: Proprioceptive Exercise I
Connect more deeply to yourself, those you love and the world around you by learning a unique meditative activity called proprioceptive exercise. This opens the door to expanded perceptions and the ability to feel and work with your developing energy system, also called your light body. Whether you have struggled with quieting your mind or you are an experienced meditator, you can go through this simple, enjoyable process to safely enter into altered dimensions of experience and consciousness for a healthier, happier you.