Livestream Harmony: Tuning Your Body for Vibrational Activism

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Here are some related materials about light body activation and this episode’s topics:


Your body is a livestreaming powerhouse, broadcasting vibration 24/7. It also receives signals and information from the world around you. Depending on your condition - your physical, emotional and mental state - what you receive and emit is constantly changing.

We, meaning you and I, at each moment, have an option to adjust our condition, adjust our body’s physiology, in order to broadcast and receive within a certain band of experience. Like fine tuning a radio dial, we can make macro and micro adjustments to our frequency in order to align with the station we want to hear and the content we want to broadcast. We can also turn the volume up or down, amplifying or dampening the strength of the information.

Most of the time in our daily life, we’re moving around without much conscious awareness of what channels are pouring in and out of our field. It’s possible to instead begin to consciously tune our cells, bones, meridians, chakras, bioplasmic energy body, kundalini channels…. all these components of the developing light body…. we can tune them to experience a more on-purpose unfolding of experience. And, just like a radio dial, even a small adjustment can suddenly unfurl a unique world right before our very ears and eyes and heart. In no time at all, we can emerge into another option of reality, another station that we can then broadcast and share with others. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you have that power. No person, law or government can take that away from you.

Anyone who plays a musical instrument knows that it’s really important to tune your instrument before playing. Otherwise, you end up sounding pretty bad even if you’re a great musician. And if you want to play with a group but no one tunes up first it will be a big mess. Sound like anything familiar like that may be going on in our world right now?

Our most potent leverage to impact the world may be in our bodies. We can speak up, connect to our communities, vote for policy change and run for office. Protest, contribute resources, work for equal rights, and write editorials. These things are all effective and valuable. But if we are not acting from a place of inner health and harmony, we may be perpetuating fear, violence and greed. We may be taking our inner confusion of physical, emotional and psychological dis-ease and projecting it once again into our external landscape. There is another choice in how to proceed: align and coordinate ourselves from within before taking external action.

This alignment can be done at the physiological level, through our body and our energy system. By expanding the frequency of the body and making adjustments with our consciousness, previously rigid physical, emotional, and psychological patterns can transform naturally without much effort. Stress matrixes at the physical and vibrational levels decompress, long-held prejudices dissipate, and cherished beliefs transform, allowing life force to stream into present time to vitalize our personal life and our human community.

Of course, this occurs in stages. It’s not like we can each wait until we feel perfectly at peace inside every time we want to speak to someone or do something. But we can begin to take some time, some focus, some intention, to connect to and adjust our energy system in very practical ways on a regular basis. This is activism. It is as active as anything else that you could do. If you find yourself disheartened about the state of the so-called real world, and frustrated that you want to do something more but don’t necessarily know what that is, you may want to consider using your dear self in a whole new way.

Maybe you have been craving to be quiet and alone and spend time with yourself. What would happen if your followed that desire at least a little? Don’t guilt yourself into ignoring it. Maybe you could trust that it will lead you to where your true power lies. Maybe it is guiding you towards action that is the most valuable contribution you could make. Because your inner self is a mirror of the world around you. Can a confused, exhausted, angry and scared person guide others towards peace? Tuning our energy system not only changes the vibration you’re broadcasting, it also increases the leverage of any physical/external action you choose to take. Like a smoothly running car engine, your external actions become fueled by an efficiently functioning energy body rather than the lower grade fuel of negative emotions like anger and fear.

In the natural world, this mind-boggling beautiful planet of which you’re an integral element, patterns repeat themselves from the most microscopic level out to a cosmic scale. We can apply this fractal geometry to our human culture. What we see unfolding outside of ourselves is mirroring what is occurring inside of ourselves. What is cancer in the body? Life force is suppressed for so long that it begins to proliferate indiscriminately in concentrated areas with disregard to the whole organism. Cancer in the culture: overwhelming suppression eventually erupts into a destructive outpouring, a desperation to live. Heart disease in the body: a congested organ can’t withstand the force moving through it, the circulation of blood and love and feelings. Heart disease in the culture: out-dated, unhealthy structures of law and policy that should allow our collective resources to circulate throughout the system can’t withstand the growing expression of love and community we want to express. Covid-19 in the body: overactive response to foreign elements leads to rapid inflammation (which is heating up and swelling in order to combat disorder) and it can become difficult to breathe due to lack of oxygen. Covid-19 in our world: overactive reaction to unfamiliar bursts of group coordinated expression leads to rapid heating up and swelling of conflicts and it becomes difficult to breathe.

And what was halting that breath of that man who’s soul is playing such a part in our story right now? An overreaction, an out-of-date reaction, a reaction caused by past-time influences that were no longer even occurring in the moment. We all have aspects of that inside of ourselves or else we wouldn’t be here right now. I know I can go inside, not just as an idea but as a physiological activity, to find out where I clamp down on my desire to breathe and to live. Where do I overreact to dangers that no longer exist in order to protect myself from the experience of living fully? And how can I expand my awareness to allow every part to breathe and to flourish. For me, that’s what light body activation is about: using the capacity of our consciousness to free our very molecules into expanded expressions of harmony and enjoy as that manifests in the world around us.

Evolution is not a function of time, but of frequency. And we each have the capacity to evolve our frequency, our experience, in a literal heartbeat to enjoy a harmonic symphony of love that is already playing our song. It’s up to us to tune ourselves to that station and turn up the volume.

In today’s guided process, we will be using many of the elements of previous episodes in order to expand our frequencies, explore some components of our developing energy system and make adjustments to bring ourselves into more alignment individually and as a human community. Find a quiet, calm place to sit, preferably on the floor. If you need to be in a chair or lying down, keep in mind that you’ll need to make alterations for some of the positions or movements I describe.


Thanks so much and enjoy your body.

We welcome your comments and questions below.


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