Connecting to Nature: Permeability & The Cranial Bones

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    Here are some related materials about light body activation and this episode’s topics:

    • Download free ‘Cranial Primer’; includes short video, text and pics: Cranial Primer

    • Guided Audio: Developing Telepathy/Sonar Skills - Telepathy I

    • Guided Audio: Developing Telepathy/Sonar Skills - Telepathy II


    Journey into the frequency of the trees. Listen to birdsong with your whole body, not just your ears. Feel sunshine penetrate deep into your bones. Connect to the extended mycelium network that lies within the soil . Today we’ll expand our energy field to enter into a deeper communion with nature. In order to do that, we’ll go into more depth working with our outerbody and how it functions as a semi-permeable, selective membrane. This is a key element of the light body activation work. We’ll also add a new component: working with the cranial bones. This gives us the capacity to release stress throughout the body and further open the outerbody membranes, and I mean that literally. This creates new possibilities for connecting to the world around us. We’ll focus on using these skills to come into closer relationship with our lovely planet and all of its resident beings.

    Your skull is composed of 22 bones that have movable, fibrous joints called sutures. The sutures allow small amounts of movement between the cranial bones, which contributes to the compliance and elasticity of the skull. Although these movements are tiny compared to the gross movements that are obvious in many of our other joints (such as a shoulder joint or knee joint), they provide important functions for the whole system, both physically and energetically. And these cranial sutures can have restriction or injury just like any other joint in the body.

    We can bring awareness to our cranial bones and their movements and use our consciousness to release restrictions and increase alignment. In this episode, we’ll begin with feeling the general movement of the whole cranium and then go into a few of the motions of individuals bones. You can check out an illustration of the cranial bones on our website if you want to look at the bones before we begin.

    The simple directing of attention to subtle motion, or lack of motion, helps to release micro-restrictions that have been created through different kinds of stress or injury. These restrictions hold energy that has been trapped, and therefore unavailable for your life system. When cranial movements are restored, this previously trapped energy can recirculate, bringing more strength and vigor to your physical body. Increased motion in the cranial system also helps release emotional and psychological stress patterns that are present in your body’s soft tissue system. Keep in mind that it can be challenging to feel cranial motions when first learning them. It’s ok if you can’t follow or feel all the movements at the beginning. Just be patient, and bring your awareness to whatever you do notice.

    The activation of the cranial system also enables the development of human telepathy and sonar. When the movement of the cranial bones and their attached membranes are intentionally increased through awareness techniques, it greatly increases the dispatch and reception of vibrational information. This is the equivalent to the sonar that is already operational for whales and dolphins. Sonar, which is just now emerging in human evolution, also further initiates the extraordinary senses, such as clairvoyance (vibrational sight), clairaudience (vibrational hearing), clairsentience (vibrational touch), clairodorance (vibrational smell), and telepathy. If you’re not interested in this aspect of the light body work, no problem! You can enjoy the benefits of greater health and just ignore any information that doesn’t appeal to you.

    When the cranial bones become more free and aligned, this stimulates further opening of our outerbody membranes. When they’re more expanded and porous, we can enter into new levels of intimacy with nature and the beings that share it with us. So find a place to sit quietly, on the floor or in a chair…. you can even lie down if you need to. Set yourself up so that you’re as comfortable as possible. It would be great if you do this process outside or on a porch or near an open window so that you are close to the sensory experience of nature. Also, give yourself the gift of turning off your phone while you do this, so that you can better hear your body and environment around you without distraction.

    Another note before we begin the process: if this is your first time listening to this podcast, I suggest going back and doing a few of the earlier episodes before proceeding with this one. Ok, let’s begin.


    In Conclusion

    You can do these activities anytime you want and for any amount of time. Perhaps it might come to you to expand and adjust for a few minutes in between some other activities or while you are waiting for someone or before a phone conversation. Or maybe you want to begin your day with a long session of release and exploration. You might find yourself sitting with a friend and instead of talking the whole time, try putting some of your attention on your energy system and see how that affects your experience. It could be that you get the idea to sit alone for awhile in the evening to do light body activation instead of watching tv or a movie.

    Don’t we all crave to connect deeply to ourselves, those we love and the world around us? Rather than constantly engaging in habits and choices that may not be all that satisfying anyway, you have the option to direct your attention to this rapidly evolving part of yourself, your developing light body. You may find that it provides a new dimensions of fulfillment and empowers you to bring your daily life more into alignment with the force of your soul.


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