Soul Star Alignment: Reveal the Meaning of Your Life Path

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    Reveal the meaning of your life path and energize its manifestation by aligning with your soul vibration. Due to a buildup of stress and restriction, the soul can become less integrated with the body and we begin to function without the rudder of this higher frequency aspect of our self guiding the ship. Trying to function without the power and direction that the soul provides is an incredibly challenging way to live. Today, we'll do a meditative process to support you in directly contacting this wider aspect of your being, the soul, and come into a deeper alignment with its vibration in order to bring more clarity, fulfillment and purpose into your life. 

    Do you crave to have more clarity and fulfillment in your daily life? Do you ever want MORE out of everything, even though you don’t really know what that means? Do you walk away from conversations wishing you had been able to connect at a deeper level? Do you feel overwhelmed sometimes wondering if you are doing enough or doing the right thing or following the right path? Do you wonder if you’re wasting your talents and energy and feel almost desperate to channel them towards something that you know is of value, to you and the world around you? I think that everyone has these feelings at times, and they may even be a dominant undertone of your inner terrain. And I think a root cause of them is being out of alignment with our soul vibration.

    Although the topic Soul Star Alignment may not sound all that practical, it’s been one of the most practical, reliable and pleasurable aspects of light body activation in my life. I work with the soul star regularly and it brings me ongoing exquisite experiences along with the deep satisfaction and peace of knowing I’m leveraging my life force in meaningful ways. In a few minutes we’ll go through a method to consciously initiate direct contact with your soul vibration and allow you to experience the effects that has on you.

    I certainly don’t presume to know exactly what the soul is and how it operates. In my experience, it can’t be adequately described through the linear construct of language anyway. What I can offer you is a reliable method to expand the frequencies of your body and energy field so that your soul vibration can come into more alignment with your body and thus your life. As with everything I discuss in this podcast, I invite you to not to believe what I say. Instead, use your own discernment and experience to guide you in finding out what is true for you. My goal is to share information and exercises that empower you, that activate and expand your own power and the capacity to use it with conscious love.

    “The immaterial essence, animating principle, or actuating cause of an individual life.” That’s the definition of soul in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. You probably have your own idea of what your soul is, which could be rather vague or quite specific. You may have grown up with a religious belief about the soul or studied what philosophers or spiritual figures said about it. Perhaps you’ve had experiences of immersion with a part of yourself not normally perceived, a part of yourself that you can’t see or touch but that you know is operating beyond the regular activities of your life sphere. Let’s explore a meditative process that will support you in directly contacting this wider aspect of your being, the soul, and come into a deeper alignment with its vibration.

    Please note that if this is your first time listening to this podcast, I suggest going back and doing a few of the earlier episodes first, since some of the things we will do build upon previous skills. Find a comfortable place to sit, on the floor or in a chair, and let’s begin.


    Cranial Images for Your Understanding


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    temporal bone

    ilium & pelvic girdle



    Post Process Discussion

    You are using a unique biological technology that opens the door for you to interface with and adjust yourself. You may have experienced a strong expansion of sensations and consciousness during the process. If that’s the case, be gentle with yourself as you move back into your regular activities. You have just been on a journey into different dimensions of time and space. I regularly have profound experiences with this work and go through elevated states of awareness that impact me deeply.

    It’s also possible that you didn’t have this kind of experience, yet had a pleasant time and feel more relaxed and free. Whatever your experience was, keep bringing some of your attention to sensations in your body in the hours and days to come in order to enable the process of soul alignment. This isn’t something that is or isn’t, it’s a process of alignment, synthesis and activation that occurs in stages. The soul vibration may move in and out of phase with the body during a lifetime due to many factors. As you feel it come into closer contact with your body you can use it for guidance and as a source of energy. It can assist you in making positive changes that you may have been wanting for a long time.

    Most babies and young children have boundless energy. Their systems are relatively free of restrictive forces and their life force moves rather freely through their physical and energetic bodies. Because their bodies are less compressed, circulation of blood, nutrients, oxygen, etc. streams easily, along with the free flow of emotions and ideas. Their soul vibration is also usually quite aligned and constantly provides clear direction.

    As we grow up we lose some of our natural movement capacities due to unresolved stresses. Restrictions occur during micro-stress events, such as being spurned by a friend, running late for an appointment or having indigestion and also macro-stress events, like a divorce or an accident. The body often adapts and resolves these stresses when they occur, but sometimes it doesn’t fully resolve the restrictive impact (whether it be physical, emotional or psychological). Over time, this leads to a buildup of compressive forces in the body which restrict motion.

    This leads to a smaller frequency range of vibration within and around the body. The range of physical mobility decreases, as well as the range of emotional and psychological resilience and response. Perceptions become more limited and distorted. This compression also prevents the vibrational aspects of our energy system and soul to merge into and enliven our physical body. The soul vibration becomes less integrated and the personality begins to function without the rudder and power of the higher frequency part of our self guiding the ship.

    The process you just did expanded and released some restrictions in your body, allowing the more vibrational parts of you to penetrate and align once again with your physical form. Deep change becomes possible as stress matrixes that held conditionings and beliefs soften, dissolve and morph into more functional, present-time possibilities. Your soul star can come into closer relationship with your ‘earth plane’ self, and you will naturally feel more clarity, fulfillment and purpose in your daily life. Notice what unfolds in the coming hours and days and let yourself feel into your body in order to amplify the alignments taking place between your personality and your soul vibration.

    If you’d like to share feedback or questions, please record a voice message or leave a written message on our website (I’ll leave a link in the show notes). I‘d love to hear from you and find out what you experienced. Thanks so much for going on this journey with me today and I look forward to another light body adventure with you again soon!

    We welcome your comments & questions below.


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