Transitioning to a Heart Centered Life - a practical process to evolve into peace

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We humans have been going about our business for the last few thousand years with our solar plexus as a dominant force. But we’re changing, transitioning into a new phase, where our main role is to express the energy of the heart. Although this may sound a bit like a new age-y cliche, this isn’t just a pie in the sky idea; our actual physiology is evolving to support this transition. The heart center has a frequency range, and these frequencies expand our capacity for compassion and cooperation. This creates change on many levels within us and in the world we are co-creating.

Some of these changes may have you feeling disoriented and lost and overwhelmed, but the good news is that you can take practical steps that will help you navigate this transformation with strength and clarity. In the following guided journey we’ll begin with some breathing and movement exercises to increase sensitivity to subtle sensations. Then you can head into your energy system to activate and balance your evolving heart center.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

Once upon a time….

Once upon a time there was a type of creature called a human. They were amazing in so many ways: they figured out how to walk, to talk, to draw, to use tools…. they cultivated food, developed complex relationships with each other and other animals…. they created music and art and they danced…. they made up many languages that allowed them to speak and write to each other. But they became dominated by the energy of their solar plexus, a part of their body that had many great qualities but also caused some major issues.

The solar plexus made them very strong as individuals, each like a shining sun. Even though it made the humans so full of light and energy and they were shining this all over the place, it also tended to make them a bit overactive. They began to overthink, overdo, overfeel and overbelieve. Things got a little crazy. The good news is that this isn’t the end of the story! As the solar plexus became overworked and overheated, it began to fizzle out. The humans began to cultivate a new type of more sustainable, balanced energy: the heart.

The heart can beat and beat on and on. It knows how to keep a steady rhythm. It keeps blood moving through the whole body, sharing nutrition and oxygen with all the cells in a cooperative manner. Turns out, the heart also pumps out love like there’s no tomorrow. Love, love and more love. It is a virtual love machine. The vibration of love became the center of the humans’ lives. And this changed everything.

They began to create a cooperative world in which every living being was encouraged to thrive. People listened to one another without fear and shared resources with ease. They learned how to circulate peace and empowerment. In short, they became what they had always been meant to be: the expression of love in manifested form.

This story is unfolding right now, inside of you. And you can enter into it in a conscious way.

Activating the Heart

Your body is permeated by a system of energy that has various components, like chakras, meridians and kundalini channels. These all have unique physiology and functions just like the more physical parts of yourself. Humans are going through a shift right now in which parts of this energy system is most active. We’re in a transition from solar plexus prominence to a more heart centered existence. You can support this process as well as encourage an integration of these 2 centers as this takes place.

The integration of the solar plexus and heart marks a cru­cial phase in our awakening journey. It initiates a transition from self-based thinking to consideration and accep­tance. It’s a transformation from a secular, need-to-be-right, competitive drive, to cooperative action. The need to have power and posi­tion turns into a willingness to empower and acknowledge others.

For many this can be a very challenging time. Competition is the motivational force in a solar plexus oriented person. As the heart begins to take a more leading role, they lose this drive. Much of what was important before begins to lose its value and the person starts to search for new meaning. Often, one arrives in a void - a place that’s alone, where nothing seems worth much of anything. Much or all of what was hoped and dreamed for previously sails off into the sunset.

This phase can last for several years. It’s much easier to go through if we can identify the mechanism at work. When moving up to the heart and upper chakra activities, a person almost always gets in touch with the need for relaxation. Since the solar plexus oriented life style is so stress-tension oriented, and based in power and control, the tension system of the body, which in many cases has allowed the person to drive their life and override numerous deeper needs, begins to tone down. This mechanism, which is related to the sympathetic nervous system, has fed energy to the body/mind at the expense of body organs, systems and regenerative functions. It’s a central biological/emotional response that leads to break­ down and dysfunction. When this starts to quiet down, a person begins to experience the deep depletion that has accumulated from years of extreme life style, obsessive habits and poor nutrition. They get in touch with a deep tiredness that just won’t go away. Some people feel like they can barely get through their minimum daily requirement of tasks. They feel like they have to rest or sleep all the time.

Gradually a person begins to regain power as the nervous system regenerates. Energy is also recovered as the need to control others begins to dissipate. Taking its place are the integrated qualities of sharing, empowering and accepting. It takes alot of energy to control and to be envious. When a person tries to acquire happiness by manipulating others, everyone gets hurt. When we let go of that control, the energy comes back to us and can be recycled into our own projects and the ability to attract what we really want.

So let’s head into our bodies and learn how to make adjustments that will support our transition into a heart centered life. Set yourself up on the floor or in a chair, with whatever you need to be comfortable. Make sure you’re in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



It’s best not to rush into regular activities right away. Your body, mind and spirit may be making adjustments to as they reorient to this dimension. It can be helpful to drink some water or tea and have something light to eat in order to help bring yourself into a more grounded, physical state.

If you want to delve deeper into this type of work, I invite you to check out our online course ‘Light Body I: Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody.’ There’s a link in the show notes to find out more about that. Also, please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts - this gives me valuable feedback and helps others find us. Your input belongs; it helps all of us to learn and connect and build a vibration of support in our community! Thanks so much for listening and I wish you peace and empowerment as you move into whatever awaits you.

We welcome your comments & questions below.


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