Recharge Your Body & Your Life: using the chakras to repair, balance and energize your body

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Introducing the Chakras

Your energy system is made up of various components that each have their own physiology and functions. The chakras are one part of this system. These are centers of energy that circulate into your physical body and also extend outward through your vibrational field. There are 7 main chakras that each charge an area of the body. When a chakra operates smoothly, its related physical functions work well. But if a chakra becomes distorted, compressed or misaligned due to various stresses, negative symptoms can develop in the body, emotions and thought patterns. Let’s dive deeper into our chakras so that you can feel them, adjust them and learn from them. Not only is this great for your health, it’s a wonderful form of enlightening entertainment!

Whether you are a beginner or have done lots of light body activities, this episode is designed for everyone. Learning to interface with your energy system is a key to becoming a conscious participant in this evolutionary process we call life. It’s free and fun and a wonderful gift to give to yourself and those around you. I invite you to join in as we journey into ourselves in order to experience new dimensions of freedom and creativity.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

The Chakras: engines of the developing light body

Whether you know a little or alot about chakras, let’s go over some basics of these energy centers which are a vital part of your evolving body. There are 7 main chakras that lie along the centerline of your body. There are also secondary chakras dispersed throughout the torso, legs, arms and head, which can be utilized in very creative ways as your system accelerates.

Each chakra contributes physical, emotional and psychological qualities to our personality and its expression. In the show notes, I’ll leave a link to a chart with some typical chakra correspondences. However, keep in mind that these are very general ideas that are meant to be an introduction to these multidimensional centers of energy. Their true nature can’t be defined in such linear terms. Also, the functions of the chakras continues to change as the forces acting upon your systems shift during development. Rather than try and memorize information that anyone else gives about chakras, I suggest learning about your own chakras firsthand.

The main thing to remember is that when a chakra operates smoothly, the physical functions related to it work well. If it becomes over- or under-active, constricted or distended, misaligned or separated, negative conditions will arise.

Proprioceptive Exercise & Your Energy System

We can feel excitement and intellectual curiosity as we think about the chakras and form conceptual ideas about them. But it can be much more satisfying to actually interface directly with these very dynamic parts of your being. In order to make this connection, it's necessary to expand the frequencies of your body and sensitize yourself to more subtle, vibrational perceptions. You can then enter into your chakras directly and make adjustments that enrich your physical, emotional and mental health.

In order to do this, we’ll begin our guided journey with a unique form of meditative activity called proprioceptive exercise. This involves specific types of movement and focus that stimulate your proprioceptive system, which is part of your nervous system that monitors alignment. These exercises are not what you might think of as typical workout exercises, although they do develop strength, flexibility and vitality. They are are keys that open vibrational doorways, allowing you to enter different dimensions of experience in a grounded and safe way. You will notice sensations that formerly did not register consciously. Your perception will shift to a cellular or microcosmic dimension where space and time have very different qualities. This process opens the door to connect to energetic components of your developing light body so that you can explore and work with them on purpose.

Today we’ll focus on using this increased sensitivity to explore our chakras to find out how they have such a strong impact on how we feel and function. This gives you the opportunity to learn about and adjust your chakras in order to harmonize their related functions, emotions and mind sets. Besides going through a sequence of working with each of the main chakras, we’ll put some focus on creating a specific treatment for your body right now. Not only is this is great for your health, it also benefits your family and the world around you as your vibration becomes more clear and vibrant. What a unique and effective way to naturally expand into the frequencies of appreciation, love and peace!

Before we begin our guided journey, I invite you to share anything about your experience afterwards on our website or facebook page and leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. This gives me valuable feedback and helps others find us. Ok, let’s get started. Set yourself up on the floor or in a chair, with whatever you need to be comfortable. Make sure you’re in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



Take your time to exit this kind of meditative journey. Rather than jumping right into regular activities, move around gradually and have some water or tea in order to bring yourself into a more grounded state. This helps the adjustments to become anchored in the structure of your life, and contribute to your physical, emotional and mental health.

I invite you to share something about your experience on our website and leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. Whether it’s very brief or an extensive description, your input belongs; it helps all of us to learn and connect and build a vibration of support in our community.

If you want to delve deeper into your chakras, I invite you to check out our online course ‘Chakras and Soul Star Alignment.’ There’s a link in the show notes to find out more about that. Thanks so much for listening and I wish you peace, ease and joy as you move into whatever coming events await you.

We welcome your comments & questions below.


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