A Key to Releasing Stress & Deepening Connections: working with the cranial bones

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If you’re listening to this, you must have a craving to explore your body and energy system and find out more about how it all works. Human knowledge about our dear selves is quite primitive in regards to how things like consciousness, energy, food, touch, emotions and thoughts affect the physical structure we call ‘body.’ Our level of awareness could be compared to when there was no concept of oceans and continents or our solar system, or no idea that the human body held an array of blood vessels, organs, glands and bones inside the skin. We are like body pioneers, adventuring into new frontiers that have rarely been perceived.

In this podcast we do meditative processes that open doorways of perception. Like focusing the aperture of a camera and watching a whole scene suddenly come into clear focus, you can adjust your nervous system to directly experience dimensions of in-form-ation that were previously unavailable. Your world literally widens in scope and creativity, just like when you learned to read or ride a bike or drive a car.

Today we’ll enter into a part of the body you may never have considered much: your cranial bones. Feeling into and encouraging small degrees of subtle motion in the cranial bones can release physical and psychological restrictions, as well as having a unique affect on the energy field that surrounds your physical self. We’ll focus on using these skills to release stress and come into closer relationship with the people, creatures and environment around us.

If this is your first time listening, I recommend first doing some of the earlier episodes from this season to make sure you are prepared for this material.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

Your skull is composed of 22 bones that have movable, fibrous joints called sutures. The sutures allow small amounts of movement between the cranial bones, which contributes to the compliance and elasticity of the skull. Although these movements are tiny compared to the gross movements that are obvious in many of our other joints (such as a shoulder joint or knee joint), they provide important functions for the whole system, both physically and energetically. And these cranial sutures can have restriction or injury just like any other joint in the body.

In the following guided journey we’ll begin as always by expanding our sensitivity so that we can perceive subtle degrees of sensation and motion. This involves doing a unique type of meditative activity called proprioceptive exercise. This involves specific types of movement and focus that stimulate your proprioceptive system, which is part of your nervous system that monitors alignment. These exercises are not what you might think of as typical workout exercises, although they do develop strength, flexibility and vitality. They are are keys that open vibrational doorways, allowing you to enter different dimensions of experience in a grounded and safe way. You will notice sensations that formerly did not register consciously. This process opens the door to connect to energetic components of your developing light body so that you can explore and work with them on purpose.

Then we’ll bring our attention to the cranium and begin to distinguish some of the bones. Once you can feel the bones, we can go into a few of the specific cranial movements. We can then use our consciousness to release restrictions (that might have been caused by injury or other stresses) and encourage a more amplified and balanced motion.

The simple directing of attention to subtle motion, or lack of motion, helps to release restrictions that have been created through different kinds of stress or injury. Energy that was previously trapped in compressed matrixes of stress can now circulate, bringing more strength and vigor to your whole body. Increased motion in the cranial system also helps release emotional and psychological stress patterns that are present in your body’s soft tissue system.

Working with the cranial system is s a key element of the light body activation work. Besides offering an opportunity to release stress throughout the body, it stimulates a further expansion of the outerbody membranes. When the bioplasmic energy field that emanates outward from our physical body becomes more permeable, we can enter into new levels of intimacy with the world around us. This creates new possibilities for deepening relationships with the people we love and the elements of nature in our environment.

Before we begin our guided journey, I invite you to share anything about your experience afterwards on our website or facebook page and leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. This gives me valuable feedback and helps others find us. Also, if this is the first time you are working with your cranial bones, I suggest you first download and go through our free ‘Cranial Primer’ by clicking the link in the show notes, or at least glance at the illustration in these notes for a little introduction to your cranial bones.

Ok, let’s get started. Set yourself up on the floor or in a chair, with whatever you need to be comfortable. Make sure you’re in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….


Post Process Discussion

You are using a unique biological technology that opens the door for you to interface with and adjust yourself. You may have experienced a strong expansion of sensations and consciousness during the process. If that’s the case, be gentle with yourself as you move back into your regular activities. You have just been on a journey into different dimensions of time and space. I regularly have profound experiences with this work and go through elevated states of awareness that impact me deeply.

It’s also possible that you didn’t have this kind of experience, yet had a pleasant time and feel more relaxed and free. I could be you even felt frustration and worry about what you were are weren’t feeling. Sometimes as restrictions release, the emotions and thoughts that accompanied them also go streaming through the body, creating short periods of discomfort. Whatever your experience was, keep bringing some of your attention to sensations in your body in the hours and days to come in order to support the release of stress and increase of balance and strength in your system. Health isn’t something that is or isn’t, it’s a process of alignment, synthesis and activation that occurs in stages.

The process you just did expanded and released some restrictions in your cranial bones and bioplasmic outerbody. This enables the more vibrational parts of you to penetrate and align once again with your physical form. Deep change becomes possible as matrixes that held conditionings and beliefs soften, dissolve and morph into more functional, present-time possibilities.

If you’d like to share feedback or questions, please write a review wherever you listen to your podcasts. I‘d love to hear from you and find out a little of what you experienced. Thanks so much and I look forward to another light body adventure with you again soon!

We welcome your comments & questions below.


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