Explore the You-niverse: a guided journey into the frequencies of your soul

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In the mood to explore the you-niverse? No need for a fancy telescope to traverse the vast dimensions of your own body. It's full of wonder and riches that you may not believe until you actually feel them for yourself.

In order to begin our journey, we’ll do some proprioceptive exercise, a type of slow motion movement that expands sensitivity to subtle sensations. Then we’ll travel into the field of energy surrounding your physical body, the bioplasmic outerbody. You’ll have the opportunity to experience contact with an expanded frequency range of yourself, otherwise known as your soul, to initiate deeper connection and alignment. The benefits of this type of work are enormous and can’t really be described in words, which is why we’ll use our bodies to find out directly what they are.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

In order to be able to feel subtle sensations, we’ll be exploring a type of slow motion exercise called proprioceptive exercise. Slow motion movement activates nerve receptors in your muscles and tendons. These receptors relay information to your brain about movement and muscle tension so that your nervous system can monitor where you are in space and time.

You can exercise and strengthen your proprioceptors, much like exercising and strengthening a muscle. More proprioception leads to expanded perception, an enhanced proprioceptive awareness. This can be used to detect new ranges of sensation, vibration and energy. But why would you want to do this?

Your proprioceptive system is operating physiology of your inner inner guidance system. It works to monitor your body’s position and alignment, kind of like your own personal GPS. Expanded proprioception means expanded, accurate guidance. Like updating the maps app on your phone for up to date directions and traffic information, activating your proprioceptors gives you up to date information on how to navigate your life: everything from physical movements, emotions, thought patterns, career decisions or what color to paint your bedroom. From knowing how best to use your body while leaning over to pick up something heavy, to what words to use during a sensitive conversation with a colleague, proprioception helps you tap into the innate wisdom of your body. In addition to all that, it’s quite entertaining!

In the following guided journey we’ll do some proprioceptive exercise, and then travel into the field of energy that surrounds and permeates your physical body, the bioplasmic outerbody. You’ll have the opportunity to experience contact with an expanded frequency range of yourself, otherwise known as your soul, and initiate deeper connection and alignment. The benefits of this type of work are enormous and can’t really be described in words, so let’s head into ourselves to find out directly what they are.

Set yourself up on the floor if you can, with a mat and some cushions to make you comfortable. Make sure you’re in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



It’s best not to rush into regular activities right away. Your body, mind and spirit may be making adjustments to as they reorient to this dimension. It can be helpful to drink some water or tea and have something light to eat in order to help bring yourself into a more grounded, physical state.

You’re accessing information from a very primitive level when you go into your body in the way you just did in the process. There’s no need to figure everything out with your mind, just feel. The sensations themselves are information. They will often filter down into intellectual understanding over time.

If you want to delve deeper into this type of work, I invite you to check out our online course ‘Light Body I: Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody.’ There’s a link in the show notes to find out more about that. Also, please leave a review wherever you listen to your podcasts - this gives me valuable feedback and helps others find us. Your input belongs; it helps all of us to learn and connect and build a vibration of support in our community! Thanks so much for listening and I wish you peace and empowerment as you move into whatever awaits you.

Were you able to feel any sensations of connecting to your soul frequencies during the guided journey? Please share something about your experience in the comments section below:


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