Aligning Your Heart, Outerbody & Home - be a conscious participant in your own evolution

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The belief that we create our own reality has become quite commonplace. You may believe that you can alter the world by shifting your inner terrain rather than changing components outside of yourself. What an empowering idea! But how do we change ourselves?

Even with many wonderful teachers on this planet helping us to become more cognizant of our thoughts and emotions and how to focus them differently, it isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do. We may want to cultivate a peaceful inner state and reverberate that outward, yet find ourselves failing to do so again and again. It turns out that without making certain shifts in the body, it can be quite difficult to alter conditioned patterns of thoughts and emotions.

I’m here to present a practical, comprehensive and effective system that will bring you into a new relationship with your body. You can learn how to make adjustments to your energy system so that emotions and thoughts naturally shift to promote ease and love rather than struggle, anger and depression.

Today we’ll do some basic proprioceptive exercise to expand our sensitivity and then focus on aligning your heart, outerbody and home. No previous experience is necessary - whether you are a beginner or have done lots of light body activities, this episode is designed for everyone. Working with your body this way is a key to becoming a conscious participant in this evolutionary process we call life. It’s free and fun and a wonderful gift to give to yourselves and those around you. I invite you to join me as we journey into our selves in order to experience new dimensions of freedom and creativity.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

Evolution & Time

Regardless what our specific beliefs are, evolution could be very different from anything we actually think it is. Evolution is defined as a process of gradual development, usually from something simple to more complex. Within this definition is the concept of a linear progression of time.

However, there’s a problem with this definition. Linear time - one thing happening after another - isn’t necessarily how things operate, even though it’s something we usually use to navigate physical reality. Einstein himself, along with ongoing discoveries of quantum physics, has clearly shown that ‘time’ isn’t a definable line that marches forward in a consistent rhythm. Instead time is directly related to space and has some characteristics that we seldom acknowledge in our daily life. It could be more accurate to view time as you view a world map: ongoing parallel realms of reality that are each unfolding concurrent probabilities (aka stories).

Taking this into consideration would certainly affect how we view evolution! Rather than a species following a sequence of gradually morphing physiology, it would be more accurate to say that there are an infinite array of ever expanding life forms which are gradually encountered as our perception expands. As you yourself develop, perhaps you aren’t really changing but instead entering different dimensions that reflect your present state of vibration.

You can purposefully expand the frequencies of your nervous system and thus alter what you perceive. Like traveling through physical space, as if you flew from Norway to Afghanistan, you arrive in a different place or dimension. This change isn’t a matter of going through a period of time, but rather a process of frequency change so that you tune into a different station of reality. You move into another intersection of manifestation. This enables you to become a conscious participant in your own evolution.

What causes change?

It has been widely accepted that external factors such as climate and food availability, are the main factors that shape our development. But what about internal forces like desire and consciousness? And what about involution, which is when forces outside our usual realm of awareness affect our growth? What if you could, on purpose, make shifts in your energy system that would change the trajectory of your physical body and its capacity?

Many of us put forth considerable effort to improve and alter external conditions in order to change our experience, especially during a crisis. We can observe humanity trying again and again to enact change in this way with often the same results. But even while we address things at this level of physical manifestation, we can also turn inward to access other routes. If applied in a skilled manner, using your body is a potent and peaceful way to stimulate change. You can also regulate our energy system to encourage contact with other consciousness fields, stimulating the process of involution.

Words Can be Bridge

Attempting to discuss things like time and evolution through the construct of words itself can be a barrier to understanding. This language we are using is itself is of a linear design: the letters represent sound which form words which form sentences which convey ideas, emotions, ideas and beliefs. Without reading or listening to them in order they wouldn’t make sense. This linear quality serves to strengthen our conditioned belief in linear time and help perpetuate other limiting thought structures. But let’s use these words as a bridge to guide us into an expanded frequency range. This alters our perception and allows us to further work with various components of our developing energy system. From this vantage point many doors open for us to heal, learn and explore.

Participating consciously in our evolution is part of our maturation as a species. If you’re listening to this, you have a body! It’s with you day and night, providing a vehicle for you to experience this plane of existence. Why not get into it, learn how to operate it and find out what it can really do? Each of us is wanting so much to be the love we know is our true nature, yet don’t know quite how to do it. The following guided journey is an opportunity for you to develop your capacity to perceive, adjust and distribute energy in your marvelous body. This supports us all to lovingly in-form new worlds into being.

Ok, let’s now get started on a guided journey. Sit on the floor or in a chair, wherever you’re comfortable. Make sure you’re in a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



It’s best not to rush into regular activities right away. Your body, mind and spirit may be making adjustments to as they reorient to this dimension. It can be helpful to drink some water or tea and have something light to eat in order to help bring yourself into a more grounded, physical state.

You’re accessing information from a very primitive level when you go into your body in the way you just did in the process. There’s no need to figure everything out with your mind, just feel. The sensations themselves are information. They will often filter down into intellectual understanding over time.

Doing light body activation exercises can be transformative work. In a way it’s so simple, while also being an extensive system you can use to explore and expand into new dimensions of experience. Doing consciousness activities without some kind of framework to bridge present experience with developing possibilities can be like going climbing without a rope. When someone goes rock climbing, the rope itself is not the experience, but it provides safety in ascending or descending into different elevations. This light body activation material is like a rope or a scaffold. It’s been developed over 35 years to provide a reliable method that can support anyone to safely activate their evolving body and use it to explore different frequencies of activity.

Please feel free to share anything about your experience on our website or facebook page and leave a review wherever you listen to podcasts. Your input belongs; it helps all of us to learn and connect and build a vibration of support in our community! Thanks so much for listening and I wish you peace, ease and joy as you move into whatever coming events await you.

Did you feel any sensations in your heart or outerbody? And were you able to align them at all with the energy field of your home? I invite you to share something about your experience below:


Explore the You-niverse: a guided journey into the frequencies of your soul


Light Body Activation - an introductory discussion & guided process