You're Invited to a Heart Party!

You're Invited to a Heart Party!

Your body is a treasure. It is your very own fragment of earth, a materialized representation of your soul. With it you move, talk, eat, touch…. listen, wonder, think, look…. cavort, love and create. What you may not realize is that your body is evolving. The various energies streaming through and beyond your physical layers are rapidly expanding into a coordinated system: your developing light body. This changing you can do new things. This includes hanging out with others in new ways to create things we’ve never experienced before. Which leads me to the question: Would you like to come to a ‘Heart Party’? This isn’t a regular kind of party where we meet at a physical location. Instead, we’ll gather at a vibrational meeting place…. a matrix of heart energy that we co-create and expand over time. This type of party may be the kind of celebration you’ve been wanting and even explain why you’re sometimes craving something different than the more typical social events. So please will you come to the party?

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Stuck in a conflict? Use your body to open a flow of communication & harmony

Stuck in a conflict? Use your body to open a flow of communication & harmony

Are you stuck in a conflict with someone or something in your life? Does it feel difficult or even impossible to resolve? You may have never considered that you can use your own body to open a flow of communication and harmony. In today’s episode we’ll go through a meditative process to try this out and see how it works for you. We’ll begin with some freeform proprioceptive movement to release stress and promote alignment. Then, instead of communicating through words, you’ll work with your outerbody, heart chakra and soul frequencies to create a vibrational bridge with a situation or person with whom you feel conflict. Friction free pathways open, allowing understanding to take the place of defensiveness, confusion and power struggles. Compassion melts away layers of disturbance that have been preventing all involved from truly seeing and hearing each other.

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A Key to Releasing Stress & Deepening Connections: working with the cranial bones

A Key to Releasing Stress & Deepening Connections: working with the cranial bones

Today we’ll enter into a part of the body you may never have considered much: your cranial bones. Feeling into and encouraging small degrees of subtle motion in the cranial bones can release physical and psychological restrictions, as well as having a unique affect on the energy field that surrounds your physical self. We’ll focus on using these skills to release stress and come into closer relationship with the people, creatures and environment around us.

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Rest & Rejuvenation: a guided journey for restoration during times of stress, crisis or insomnia

Rest & Rejuvenation: a guided journey for restoration during times of stress, crisis or insomnia

If you’re experiencing a period of high stress, some kind of crisis or just can’t sleep, this episode is for you. The following guided process is designed to help you slow down, sleep, repair and restore if you’re feeling at the end of your rope. First, travel into your respiratory and circulatory systems in order to oxygenate cells and cleanse tissues. Activate potent acupuncture points that promote relaxation. Expand your vibrational outerbody to decompress and initiate contact with the earth and the moon. Aligned between these life nourishing forces, you can let go and rest while your body is bathed in a process of deep restoration.

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Membranes & Metamorphosis: Expanding permeability to connect to and create with the natural world

Membranes & Metamorphosis: Expanding permeability to connect to and create with the natural world

Wherever you live, there are cycles unfolding in the natural world around you. Creatures, plants, minerals, atoms, celestial bodies…. they express their own presence in unique ways. Besides being glorious to witness, this biological activity has an impact on our environment and on our bodies. By bringing our awareness to these waves of biological activity, we can amplify the beneficial effects they have on us, including the stimulation of our own evolution. Imagine being able to use your body to directly explore creation and consciously enter into the process of your own metamorphosis.

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