Rest & Rejuvenation: a guided journey for restoration during times of stress, crisis or insomnia

Please note that for the most optimal experience, it’s recommended that you listen to the first 12 episodes of this podcast before proceeding with this one.

Please go to Apple iTunes or Spotify (or any other podcast directory) to leave a review - this gives us valuable feedback & helps others to find this podcast. We also welcome your comments and questions at the end of this post.

Here are some related materials about light body activation &/or this week’s episode:


If you’re experiencing a period of high stress, some kind of crisis or just can’t sleep, this episode is for you. Take a guided journey into your respiratory and circulatory systems in order to oxygenate your cells and cleanse your tissues. Activate potent acupuncture points that promote relaxation. Expand your vibrational outerbody to decompress and initiate contact with the earth and the moon. Aligned between these life nourishing forces, you can let go and rest while your body is bathed in a process of deep restoration.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

If you feel like sharing anything about your experience afterwards, please make a comment on our website or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your input belongs; it helps all of us to learn and connect and build a vibration of support in our community.

Many of you have asked, so here it is: an episode designed to do while lying down that can help you get a good night’s sleep.

Your body is made to handle a certain amount of challenge. Each system has built in mechanisms to maintain a range of balance, or homeostasis, amidst chemical, emotional and psychological extremes. Sometimes however, stress builds up without respite, depleting the deep reserves of the organs and causing cellular deterioration. This can lead to a state of utter fatigue or depression. Ironically, it also creates a situation where the capacity to truly let go and rest diminishes because the nervous system is stuck in high gear. The following guided process is designed to help you slow down, sleep, repair and restore if you’re feeling at the end of your rope.

We begin with some proprioceptive breathing to relax your body and expand your perceptions. Then we use our attention to travel into the respiratory and circulatory systems, stimulating the absorption of oxygen and nutrients and the discharge of stagnant and toxic residues. We calm the digestive tract and feel racing thoughts settle down. All of these things allow the nervous system to step out of ‘fight and flight’ mode so that your body can enter into a state of rest and rejuvenation. There are also particular acupuncture points that can be used to relax you even more. Using our attention, we activate these to stimulate waves of peace washing through all layers of the body.

Once the physical layers of yourself are less compressed and more relaxed, we move into the outerbody. By encouraging it to expand and align, we take advantage of its ability to charge the organs in a soothing way. It also becomes possible to initiate a process of connection and alignment with the earth, moon and stars. You can encourage these vibrant fields of consciousness to permeate and reinvigorate your whole self, while also seeding the energy of your heart into the cosmic fabric.

Ok, let’s get started. I recommend you do this journey lying down. Also, do it when you are ready to go to sleep for the night or at least take a nap. Get comfortable, turn off your phone, and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



Sweet dreams :)

We welcome your comments & questions below.


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