Membranes & Metamorphosis: Expanding permeability to connect to and create with the natural world
Please note that for the most optimal experience, it’s recommended that you listen to the first 12 episodes of this podcast before proceeding with this one.
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Here are some related materials about light body activation:
Watch a short video on the cranial bone movements to support your work with the cranial bones: Cranial Bone Movements Video
Download free booklet by Saul Goodman: Light Body Activation - a portal to decentralized spiritual growth
There has been a spectacular natural event unfolding here where I live in the eastern United States: the emergence of a brood of periodic cicadas. After 17 years underground feeding on the sap of grass and tree rootlets, the larvae of these insects burrow up to the surface of the soil, climb onto nearby vegetation, and emerge from their chitinous sheath as fully formed adults. The light of the sun transforms their initially white exoskeleton into a shiny black exterior. Prominent bright red eyes offset their golden veined wings. They can be seen by the thousands climbing and flying upwards to sing and mate at the tops of the trees. The buzzing symphony of their songs cascades through the air in pulsing rhythms of sound. This will last for a short while more before all the females finish laying their eggs in a final thrust of life.
Ready for Flight
Periodic Cicadas
Many mornings I’ve gone out at dawn to meet my son Jack to together witness the vulnerable new adults emerging into the light of day. Saul & I have been spending afternoons doing light body work while sitting outside in the woods, enjoying the sensations of the sound activating our bodies. In this episode you will do a process to expand your permeability so you can more easily connect to and create with the natural world.
Wherever you live, there are cycles unfolding in the natural world around you. Creatures, plants, minerals, atoms, celestial bodies…. they express their own presence in unique ways. Besides being glorious to witness, this biological activity has an impact on our environment and on our bodies. By bringing our awareness to these waves of life force, we can amplify the beneficial effects they have on us, including the stimulation of our own evolution. Imagine being able to use your body to directly explore creation and consciously enter into the process of your own metamorphosis….
In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.
Your attention has immense value. You can use it like a joystick, a navigational device, to direct your energy. In this episode we focus attention on several aspects of our developing energy system in order to increase bioplasmic permeability so that we can come into deeper resonance with the life force around us. By working through previously covered components of the light body materials like proprioceptive exercise, the outerbody layers and cranial bone movements, frequencies expand to open passageways into a wider range of experience. There is a special focus on working with the bioplasmic membrane and the importance it has on our health and well-being.
These steps are like keys. You can use them to open the doors of your body, get inside, turn it on and use it to travel, explore, create and learn. You can also use them to purposefully connect to the natural world around you in order to learn more about evolution and become a conscious participant in your own metamorphosis.
After all, do we really think evolution has somehow stopped? Why do we expect that our bodies are going to stay in this form forever? Our bodies are changing; they are emerging from a rather rigid construct into more expanded frequency ranges of expression. Just like the cicadas climbing up out of the earth after 17 years underground, you can emerge into a vastly different environment as you climb out of your previous form. You may be surprised at how literal this may feel as you go through the following process and work deeply with your bioplasmic membrane.
If you live in the eastern U.S., I encourage you to do this episode while in the presence of the cicadas themselves, and enjoy the potent activation they are so generously providing. Wherever you are though, there will be something in your environment that is emanating an activating vibration. It could be the ocean, the moon, growing seedlings, blooming flowers, singing birds or a crying child. A crystal that catches your attention. Waves of traffic moving through busy city streets. These all have force behind them, force that you can connect to once your system is more permeable and fueled for activity.
Ok, let’s get started. Make sure you have a quiet space to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Put on some comfortable clothes, turn off your phone, and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….
On that note, I’ll leave you for today. Thanks so much for participating and I look forward to another light body adventure soon.