Deepen Your Relationship with the Sun: Light, the Solar Plexus & Photosynthesis

Please note that for the most optimal experience, it’s recommended that you listen to the first 12 episodes of this podcast before proceeding with this one.

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Here are some related materials about light body activation:


No matter who you are, where you live, or what your life is like, you have a relationship with the sun. You probably see and feel it every day. Sometimes it shines on you directly, sometimes it’s shrouded in clouds, sometimes its presence is hidden behind the earth itself as it rotates on its axis. Depending on its proximity, the sun may heat the atmosphere into a sultry summer day or barely warm the air with its thin winter light. It has a primary impact on the rhythm of your life.

You can deepen your connection to the sun by initiating a conscious process of photosynthesis within your own body. Photo-synthesis. Light-synthesis. Using light to synthesize, or combine, something that is into something new. You can use sunlight to create not only energy, but also new forms of consciousness. It can be a potent catalyst for your physiological and spiritual evolution. And could it be that just like in every relationship, both parties are affected? Perhaps your conscious interaction with this magnificent being also spawns new expressions of life within the sun itself.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

I’m sure you’ve heard of photosynthesis, where plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water. Usually we then get our nutrition from ingesting plants rather than photosynthesizing ourselves. But we have the option to learn how to use sunlight in a more direct way.

There are a series of simple steps to this process, some that you’ve learned in previous episodes and some new additions. First, we expand the outerbody membranes and learn how to absorb and draw in sunlight. Then we go through some possibilities for how to store and distribute the energy. One of the main areas of the body we work with is the solar plexus - there’s no mistake that it is called this! There is also a chakra related to the solar plexus chakra that you may not have worked with before called the spleen chakra; this lies under the lower left corner of your ribcage. These energy centers help us to gather and densify the energy of the sun into our bodies. There is a link in the show notes where you can download directions for this process.

This process of photosynthesis can be done for a few seconds up to several minutes at a time. You may notice that this practice creates more than chemical changes; absorbing and distributing sunlight in your physical body causes changes in your consciousness. Just like the energy of the light initiates fusion reactions at the physical level, it stimulates new compounds, new combinations, emotionally and mentally. And as your relationship with the sun deepens, you will each expand into new expressions of life. Perhaps the sun itself benefits from this new contact with you in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.

Please keep in mind that this podcast is meant to be sequential. If you’re listening for the first time without going through the earlier episodes, it may be challenging for you to follow along. Not only does the material build an intellectual understanding, more importantly, it prepares your system for expanded frequencies in a safe and integrated way. Just like an athlete has to go through a process of building up strength and ability to do complex physical feats, it’s important that you practice and develop certain skills as you activate your light body. That way you will feel strong and grounded in your physical world. And these skills, again much like an athlete or a musician, are meant to be used regularly if you want to have a truly fulfilling experience with this material. Otherwise you may find it interesting, but not really feel or experience much of anything distinctly different in your body.

Ok, let’s get started. Make sure you have a quiet space to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Put on some comfortable clothes, turn off your phone, and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



When you do this process of photosynthesis, you’re ingesting the energy of the sun, the light of the sun, and using it to create. Your solar plexus and spleen chakra, or little sun, are the keys to this process. The solar plexus region of the body supports us in transferring energy into the third dimensional plane. It helps us create in the physical world. This can be done not only with food that we eat, but with sunlight itself.

Let’s review the steps of doing photosynthesis within your body:

  1. Do some proprioceptive exercise/movement to expand and sensitize

  2. Expand your outerbody and increase permeability

  3. Activate your crown chakra and initiate contact with the sun

  4. Absorb sunlight into your etheric body

  5. Funnel it into your physical body with your spleen chakra, or ‘little sun’

  6. Press this into your solar plexus; use your mind to make the energy more dense

  7. If you like, distribute some of this wherever you like in your body

  8. Make the energy even more dense, almost a liquid form, and transfer some over to your liver to be stored for future use

  9. Make sure to condense your frequencies and make your membranes less permeable before re-entering more physical activities

Remember that there is a link in the show notes where you can download directions for this process of photosynthesis.

You can use this process whenever you like, for just a few seconds, or a longer session. It may be more potent to do it outside during daylight hours, although this is not always the case. I suggest trusting that the circumstances around you will provide the optimal conditions for your needs. It will generate energy, strength, endurance and patience.

If you find yourself thinking about photosynthesis, pay attention to that. Your inner guidance is giving you a cue that its a good time to do it. You can also use the process to generate energy if you’re feeling washed out. Or, if you’re feeling depressed and ‘dark,’ it can literally lighten your whole system. Notice how you feel in the hours afterwards. Bringing attention to your experience will amplify the affects that the process has on your body.

Lifestyle choices can also be used to support your capacity to feel and work with this material. So make sure to take care of yourself as you expand into new frequencies. You are an expression of life, an expression of this universe, and caring for yourself is caring for life.

If you feel like sharing any of your experiences during this process, make a comment on our website or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your experience and input belongs here; it helps all of us to learn and connect and build a vibration of support in our community. On that note, I’ll leave you for today. Thanks so much for being a part of this journey and I look forward to another light body adventure soon.

We welcome your comments & questions below.


Membranes & Metamorphosis: Expanding permeability to connect to and create with the natural world


Chakra Rotation & Expanded Dimensions of Space-Time