A Reservoir of Light: aligning the heart & soul frequencies to activate your core essence

Please note that for the most optimal experience, it’s recommended that you listen to the first 12 episodes of this podcast before proceeding with this one.

Please go to Apple iTunes or Spotify (or any other podcast directory) to leave a review - this gives us valuable feedback & helps others to find this podcast. We also welcome your comments and questions at the end of this post.

Here are some related materials about light body activation:


Light body activation is a practical and effective tool to release restrictions and promote alignment, enhancing the dynamic synthesis of your system. This elevates the frequencies of your body, bringing you into contact with parts of yourself you may have been craving to connect to for what feels like forever. Today we focus on the heart chakra and soul frequencies to promote gentle transformation of ourselves and the world we share. This provides you with a unique type of leverage. You can offer the world the gift of your core essence, unadulterated.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

Before going into today’s episode, I’d like to welcome you into a new online class called ‘Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody’ . This instructional video course is an opportunity for you to learn the foundation of the light body materials with the developer Saul Goodman.

This course is a compilation of video clips from his Light Body Activation I class, as well as articles and some of the audio journeys from this podcast. Our goal in creating this course was to make the information accessible and easy to use, so that anyone can enjoy the myriad benefits and also really have fun with it.

Even if you've studied proprioceptive exercise in this podcast, or in a shin tai course with Saul or another shin tai instructor, you may be interested in having access to this upcoming online course for several reasons:

  • It's a great chance to review the basics of the light body materials with the developer himself.

  • It can be helpful to know more of the in-depth theory behind the work. This will enrich your understanding and provide a deeper framework when you go on the proprioceptive journeys.

  • Seeing someone do the exercises rather than just hearing a description can make things more clear.

  • Even if you're familiar with the techniques, every proprioceptive journey invites you into your next level of possibility.

  • It’s really nice to have all the foundational material in one place that you can access anytime.

So if you are interested in finding out more or enrolling for the class, please see the link the show notes or go to https://shin-tai-international.teachable.com/p/proprioceptive-exercise-outerbody/.

Ok, on to today’s session…..

Aligning the forces of your body and energy matrix empowers you. It provides clarity, fuel and passion to unfold your inner visions and desires into manifested form. On the other hand, when there is compression or misalignment, like congested organs, skewed vertebrae, a collapsed chakra, or overactive kundalini channels, it becomes difficult to function and create in a fulfilling way.

Let’s go on a journey to facilitate the release of compression from our bodies, enable alignment of various components of our maturing light body, and extend an invitation to our soul frequencies. We’ll enter into this process with some proprioceptive exercise, and then move into some work with our outerbody, cranial system and chakras. We’ll empower ourselves to precipitate love into manifested form on this plane. You can also take the opportunity to contribute to a reservoir of light and energy, a reservoir that will be a source of support and nourishment for you as well as anyone else who wants to partake.

Two notes before we begin the guided journey:

  1. It’s great to do some physical exercise before entering the meditation. So if you do yoga, weight training, or any kind of sport, do it first. Or just do a few jumping jacks, run around the block or dance to a fun song for a few minutes. This will discharge stagnant energy and get your blood moving, making it easier to focus inward and feel your body.

  2. Some of the material in this episode builds on things we’ve covered in previous episodes. I suggest going through this podcast sequentially in order to get the most benefit. That way your knowledge and skills expand along with your energy system, making for a comfortable evolution.

Ok, let’s get started. Put on some comfortable clothes, turn off your phone and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



Take some time to readjust after this journey. It’s not a good idea to rush right into regular activities. Your body and mind could be making adjustments that may continue to reverberate throughout your system for the next days, weeks and months.

Try not to grasp after an intellectual understanding of whatever you may have experienced. The best way to support your process is to feel into your body off and on throughout the next day, bringing your attention to sensations that you notice. Impressions and interpretations will filter into your awareness naturally over the coming weeks.

A note about power. When you begin to consciously interface with your developing light body, it generates a certain type of power. It’s important to know how to regulate this power in order to prevent harm to yourself as it surges through your body and mind. That’s why we go through these processes in a sequential manner, building the intensity as your system gets more clear and strong.

It’s also important to regulate the power that comes from your growing knowledge. Knowledge is power. Awareness is power. Working with the light body activation materials expands your knowledge, your awareness, your power. And as your power grows, so does the responsibility to use it well. This information is being shared with you in good faith that you will use it for the expression of love and consciousness. These skills are in no way meant to be used to manipulate anyone or deplete anyone else’s power; they are for empowering life in all its myriad forms.

There’s natural protection against the misuse of these materials, since things like manipulation, greed and fear are very dense in nature; if someone begins to embody (literally) these intentions, their system will be hampered in garnering enough life force to leverage much impact. Also, as someone expands into the light body frequencies, the vibrations themselves elevate one’s basest tendencies, especially with practice. Your intention and continual reflection will prevent the misuse of power and support you in utilizing your life force in positive ways for yourself and the world around you.

On that note, I’ll sign off for now. Thanks so much for contributing your presence to this experience. It is so fulfilling and inspiring to go on these journeys with you and I look forward to sharing another one soon!

We welcome your comments & questions below.


Proprioceptive Journey into Your Evolving Cell(f): an episode with Saul Goodman


New Online Class: Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody