New Online Class: Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody

The bad news is there’s no regular episode today. BUT the good news is that I’d like to welcome you into a new online class called ‘Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody’ that’s opening today. It’s an opportunity for you to learn the foundation of the light body materials with the person who developed them: Saul Goodman.

This course is a compilation of video clips from his Light Body Activation I class, as well as articles and some of the audio journeys from this podcast. Our goal in creating this course was to make the information accessible and easy to use, so that anyone can enjoy the myriad benefits and also really have fun with it.

Even if you've studied proprioceptive exercise in this podcast, or in a shin tai course with Saul or another shin tai instructor, you may be interested in having access to this upcoming online course for several reasons:

  • It's a great chance to review the basics of the light body materials with the developer himself.

  • It can be helpful to know more of the in-depth theory behind the work. This will enrich your understanding and provide a deeper framework when you go on the proprioceptive journeys.

  • Seeing someone do the exercises rather than just hearing a description can make things more clear.

  • Even if you're familiar with the techniques, every proprioceptive journey invites you into your next level of possibility.

  • It’s really nice to have all the foundational material in one place that you can access anytime.

It takes me months to compile, edit and organize a course like the one that is coming out at the end of this week. Condensing the light body work into a linear format that makes sense and is easy to use and transmits the expansive power of the material has been a particular challenge for me. I'm pretty excited that it's ready to be birthed! I know from my own experience, plus thousands of others who have used this material over the years, that proprioceptive exercise is a potent way to reduce stress, generate health and align with your soul frequencies. Whenever I use it, things just go easier, and I wish that for you.

So if you are interested in finding out more or enrolling for the class, please see the link the show notes.

I’ll sign off for now. Next week I’ll be here with another episode of the podcast and look forward to exploring with you then!


A Reservoir of Light: aligning the heart & soul frequencies to activate your core essence


Fostering Viral Resilience: working with the etheric body, spleen chakra, thymus gland & kundalini