Expand Your Horizons - The Physiology of Perception

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Here are some related materials about light body activation and this episode’s topics:


The word horizon is defined as “the limit of a person's mental perception, experience, or interest.” This also applies to the limits of our emotional and spiritual dimensions. Of course, you can expand your horizons through exposure to other people, places and situations, but you can also do it by activating a part of your nervous system that affects perception. Since this internal method requires only your own self and some focus, it’s a great option to have during these times of restricted travel and social opportunities. You can journey into self, soul, earth and cosmic dimensions with no tool other than your attention. Let’s dive into the physiology of perception and find out first hand what it’s like to expand our horizons through a literal expansion of space and time.

Welcome. Your presence here contributes to a network of consciousness that benefits our whole earth community. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

In this podcast we explore a system of meditative exercises to enter into a process of conscious evolution. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. This material has been developed by Saul Goodman, founder of the International School of Shiatsu and the author of The Book of Shiatsu, Shiatsu Shin Tai and Light Body Activation. It can assist you to activate your evolving body and use it to safely and enjoyably navigate into expanded dimensions of experience. I’m Lynn Goodman, Saul’s colleague and wife, and I’ve studied and taught with him for 20 years.

Expanding your horizons through expanding the perceptual capacity of your nervous system isn’t just a nebulous concept, it has roots in your physical body. Until now, this part of us hasn’t been identified as a primary influence on our perception. During the following meditative process we will activate this part of our body through what is called proprioceptive exercise. If you haven’t already done so, I recommend that you listen to the first 2 episodes of this podcast before going further with this one, although it’s not necessary.

Proprioceptive exercise involves a specific type of movement and focus that activates the proprioceptive system. This is a part of your nervous system that maintains alignment through the activity of specialized nerve fibers in the tendons and muscles. When you increase proprioceptive nerve activity, it stimulates a proprioceptive awareness. This increases your body’s natural ability to align and regulate itself. Sensations become amplified as sensitivity to small degrees of physical experience is heightened. Proprioception will guide you into movements and positions that naturally relieve compression and release physical, emotional and mental wounds that have been held in the body.

These exercises are not what you might think of as typical workout exercises, although they do develop strength, flexibility and vitality. They are keys that open vibrational doorways, allowing you to enter different dimensions of experience in a grounded and safe way. Your perception will shift into cellular and/or cosmic dimensions where space and time have very different qualities. In the following journey, we’ll begin to more specifically identify certain sensations that occur during this process and what they indicate so that you can navigate expanding horizons of experience with ease.

On that note, let’s enter into a process to experience some of this directly. Make sure you have a quiet space to focus where you won’t be disturbed. Put on some comfy clothes, turn off notifications on your phone, and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



Be gentle with yourself as you reenter your daily activities. Make sure to have something light to drink or eat before interacting with other people.

Let’s review a few of the key ways to stimulate and then monitor proprioceptive activity:

  1. We use slow motion movement to activate proprioception; when it shifts into a floating sensation this indicates proprioceptive awareness is becoming more prominent.

  2. Bringing attention to the formation and presence of a line of tension, and then using the breath to expand and release this area activates proprioception. Bringing an elastic quality to the end range of the line or point of tension increases proprioceptive activity and indicates that previously trapped energy is flowing back into circulation.

  3. A sensation of floating or sinking indicates proprioceptive activity and an expansion of frequencies. Often a more extreme shift of moving up or down, like in an elevator, occurs as the soul star comes into closer contact.

  4. When edges or borders blend and become more indistinct, frequencies are expanding and proprioception is increasing. Different layers of the physiology are synthesizing and aligning. In this state, the perception of space and time lift out of our usual false construct, making objects, space and time feel quite different; it could be that apparent forms shrink or expand greatly, or have no size at all, while time warps into altered dimensions of experience.

On that note we’ll wrap up for today. Thanks so much for your presence and I look forward to another journey with you soon.

We welcome your comments & questions below.


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