The Evolution of Recycling: Transforming Emotional & Psychic Debris into Creative Fuel

Please note that for the most optimal experience, it’s recommended that you listen to the first 12 episodes of this podcast before proceeding with this one.

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Here are some related materials about light body activation:


As you move through your daily life, there are many forces present in your environment. These may include people, pets, plants, insects…. sounds, smells, visual information…. phone and radio signals…. solar flares, stardust and gravitational waves. Add into all of that the thoughts and feelings of over 7.6 billion humans and you’ve got a vibrational smorgasbord. Whether or not you register any of these forces consciously, they certainly have an effect on your body and mind. In fact, they may be playing a larger part in your life than you realize, especially as your energy system expands and accelerates.

In the last episode, The Evolution of Boundaries, we explored options for using the outerbody membrane as a selective boundary. Let’s go into some more options on how to regulate this developing part of your body and how to transform toxic vibrations that have penetrated into your field. Instead of this debris draining your energy, it becomes a source of creative fuel . This is an awakened type of recycling you can use whenever you like in order to create a more vibrant inner environment for yourself and those you love.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

The external world can provide a physical representation of what’s going on inside of us. The growing issue of how to handle the pollution that’s proliferating from human activities (like housing, fuel, cars, computers, phones, food, etc.) mirrors what’s occurring on a vibrational level within our own bodies. And just like we have to figure out how to deal with physicalized consequences of our behaviors, it’s important to come up with solutions for vibrational pollution. The mass production of thoughts and feelings are not always affecting the functioning of our bodies in a positive way.

I’m sure you’ve had the experience of feeling negative or aggressive psychic energies even though you couldn’t see them. They can be very penetrating and also don’t necessarily operate on a linear timeline. It could be that things that occurred in the past or future are quite present in your vibrational field. In the last episode we focused on how to use the outerbody system as a protective boundary. Today we take that further to learn a specific way to transform toxic vibrations into a purified stream of creative fuel.

As consciousness awakens, new components are activated in your energy body, which becomes an evolved cell. This is a continuation of the development of your physical/energetic organism, where your physical body serves as the nucleus, your kundalini channels serve as the DNA, and your outerbody acts as an interactive, conscious membrane. The outerbody, also called the bioplasm, is the sum total of the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. It behaves much like the cytoplasm of a cell, and has components which serve various functions. Today we’ll be working with a kind of vibrational mitochondria that can generate energy for your developing light body.

We initiate the presence of a roaming spiral vortex

In order to begin this process we expand our frequencies and come into contact with our outerbody. Then, we consciously induce the presence of a roaming spiral vortex. Think of this like an evolved mitochondria (mitochondria are organelles in a cell that generate energy for the cell’s functions). Through your attention and intention, you can activate this vibrational mitochondria to digest and purify dense toxic vibrations.

We can use the purified energy to stimulate communication and compassion

Once the vibrations come into contact with the vortex, they’re accelerated into higher frequencies and dissolved. This procedure neutralizes the destructive, energy draining effect that occurs when there has been anger, guilt, resentment, hatred, blame, jealousy, or prejudice generated in your field. These then naturally transform into purified streaming energy that can be used like a high quality fuel. You can then utilize it for creative projects or healing or just getting things done.

If the negatively was projected towards you from another person, it’s even possible to use it to open channels of communication and empathy in the very direction from where it originated. This relaxes polarized views and helps to ease the force of destructive subconscious thought forms. We focus on the manubrium (the upper part of your sternum) for this part of the process, since it’s the location of the female aspect of your heart chakra, to activate healing energies that enhance emotional and psychological vibrancy.

Before we begin, I’d like to let you know that there are links in the show notes for some additional resources. First, you can download written instructions so that you have them handy whenever you want to do this procedure. In addition, you can get a free guided audio called ‘Psychic Protection’ that was made several years ago by Saul Goodman.

Ok let’s get started. In order to know whether this concept of recycling negative vibrations is valid, you’ll have to try it out. Unless you experience it directly it may just sound like an idea or a fantasy rather than a truly effective process. So put on some comfortable clothes, turn of your phone and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



Although you can do this process anytime, it’s particularly helpful if you feel fatigued or vulnerable. Perhaps you’ve had a recent event that you feel has negatively affected you, draining your physical, emotional or mental resources. This process is a wonderful way to help you recover some of your life force, and also how to better prepare in the future when going into an activity or event that you feel may be challenging. It’s also great to use when you want to generate energy for a creative project, healing or just getting things done. Your body is evolving. It will serve you to evolve your understanding of your system and how you can set yourself up for an enjoyable and fulfilling evolution.

On that note, I’ll leave you for today. Thanks so much for your presence. You’re contributing to a whole network of consciousness and I’m so grateful to be a part of this journey with you.

We welcome your comments & questions below.


Fostering Viral Resilience: working with the etheric body, spleen chakra, thymus gland & kundalini


The Evolution of Boundaries: Preserving Your Sovereignty at an Energetic Level