(Body + Soul) x Consciousness = A Thriving Ecosystem

Please note that for the most optimal experience, it’s recommended that you listen to the first 12 episodes of this podcast before proceeding with this one.

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Here are some related materials about light body activation and this episode’s topics:


How many times a day do you have your attention on conditions in the world around you? How often are you focused on what other people are saying or doing? Do thoughts about the current ‘news’, the government, the economy or the state of the environment regularly occupy your mind? And do these thoughts tend to be focused on things you want to see more of, or things you wish could be different and things that you are sure should be different? Many of us practice these kind of thought patterns every day, and they are contributing to the ongoing creation of the world we are experiencing.

Let’s explore how to reorganize our inner terrain to better serve our own dear selves as well as those around us. You can do this by bringing your attention inside your body in order to sensitize, adjust and activate your energy system. It’s fun and healthy, and also promotes a thriving ecosystem on both the personal and planetary levels. Who doesn’t want that?

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

Most of us have been deeply trained from a young age that in order to make changes in ourselves and the world, we need to direct our efforts beyond the border of our body. In fact, it’s often considered an ethical responsibility to put our attention on the needs of other people and situations rather than our own self. And if we do this to the point of draining our personal life force, even better! We literally practice not listening to our true nature and directing our life force away from the soul’s guidance.

Feelings of fatigue and disinterest are often indications that we are directing our energy away from what we truly want to be doing. If it occurs often enough, depression and physical illness come into creation. Could it be that it would serve ourselves and everyone around us if we funneled more of our attention towards what we actually want to feel, see and do?

When you direct your attention towards something that interests you, rather than something you think you should do, notice how it feels in your body. Usually, strength and enthusiasm begin to gather momentum. Now think about what it feels like to be around someone who is full of vigor, of interest, engaged deeply in whatever is in front of them. When someone’s in that state they’re emanating it into the environment and it enlivens their whole sphere.

Our often external focus depletes us further due to the fact that it is based on inner assumptions that things have gone very wrong and that there are many problems that need fixing. This creates a pervasive layer of stress that underlies many people’s daily experience. If you think the world is in disarray and heading into further deterioration at every moment, that’s not a very relaxing perspective. It creates ongoing friction at the psychological, emotional and physical levels. The accepted belief is that this is part of living on this planet, and that this stress is a necessary component that spurs us to act and respond in order to survive.

What if some of these root assumptions are just plain wrong? What if it’s up to each of us to cultivate different beliefs and expectations within ourselves in order to shift our experience of the so-called world? When we think something often, it creates reverberations consistent enough to begin collecting repetitive images. Energy gathers and begins to slow down enough to precipitate into particles, molecules, cells…. a manifestation births into this plane and a more solid representation of our inner imaginings comes into view and grows into a life of its own. Then we think it’s true, real. But it’s merely a creation that began in our minds.

Take the theory of ‘survival of the fittest.’ This widely accepted notion is a dominant force behind what we are seeing played out on the world stage. Our belief in it, our focus on it - these create and perpetuate it. What if this theory merely mirrors a belief system and experience that was projected onto the natural world rather than the truth of the natural world received into a clear space of listening? Is it possible to cultivate a different belief in how life operates and use that focus to alter our experience? Let’s instead cultivate a belief in harmony, cooperation and mutual enhancement and see where it brings us. There’s a plethora of examples in the natural world that support this theory. Will we then begin to experience an ‘outer’ projection that’s quite different than the one that is at present so subscribed to? Like deciding to switch channels, we could literally turn the dial of our attention to a different frequency range and voila! find ourselves viewing a whole different movie that we may find much more enjoyable than the one to which most of us are presently tuned.

Getting more specific: rather than blindly agreeing that the pandemic is stressful, the government is inept, the economy is rigged, the health system is a mess, and the environment is in peril, let’s practice looking at each other and our shared world with a different focus. This doesn’t mean that we condone unkindness or violence or suffering. But it does mean that we resist being unkind and impatient with ourselves and everyone else by cultivating a faith in humanity’s maturation into love, into harmony. Perhaps nothing has gone wrong here, perhaps there have been no mistakes. Try this belief out for an hour, a day, a few weeks. What have you got to lose? A few moments of suffering? You can always make it up later if you need to.

In other words, it may NOT be the most responsible thing to see everything as a big mess and constantly push against ourselves and our human community. Our bodies, our lives, our neighbors, our governments and even our climate are a reflection of our mind projected outward so we can see, listen to, and support it. Like a child heard and loved, the projection can then naturally transform into something quite different. It matures into a physical expression of love, rather than a materialization of anger and fear. We have barely begun to understand the power we have right within our very bodies to make this shift; they hold the key that can open a door into a whole new experience with very little effort or upheaval.

Where we choose to put our focus matters. I mean, it literally matters. It gathers energy and begins the process of the precipitation of consciousness into form. It in-forms our world. So if you want to be a love artist for yourself and others, going inside rather than outside can offer incredible leverage. You can learn tools to sculpt your life with conscious care. This contributes to the experience of a vibrant human community that operates in harmonic resonance with the myriad expressions of life throughout the universe.

Ok, on to an enlivening light body adventure. Make sure you have a quiet space to sit where you won’t be disturbed. Put on some comfortable clothes, turn off notifications on your phone, and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



Be gentle with yourself as you exit this experience. Try not to rush into your regular activities right away. If that’s not possible, make sure to drink some water or tea and have something light to eat in order to help contract your membranes.

Transformation could be a function of frequency, not of time and effort. In other words, shift your frequency and your whole experience changes. Rather than using action exerted through time, you can simply adjust your system through specific, reliable mechanisms and watch as your perspective shifts to a different layer of experience. This eventually translates into a change of what is manifested around you. Brute effort is no longer necessary to create because the power of your soul forces are more synthesized with your earth plane self.

Activating your body through these processes can be transformative work. In a way it’s so simple, while also being an extensive system you can use to explore and expand into new dimensions of experience. Doing consciousness activities without some kind of framework to bridge present experience with developing possibilities can be like going climbing without a rope. When someone goes rock climbing, the rope itself is not the experience, but it provides safety in ascending or descending into different elevations. This light body activation material is like a rope or a scaffold. It’s been developed over 35 years of rigorous personal experience to provide a reliable method that can support anyone to safely activate their evolving body and use it to explore different frequencies of activity.

Since we appear to be in bodies right now, let’s enter the game of ourselves more fully and see where it takes us. I think that participating consciously in the evolution of our own bodies is part of our maturation as a species. We’re developing our capacity to perceive, adjust and distribute energy to support our ever expanding dreams to consciously and lovingly in-form new worlds into being.

Thanks so much for your presence today. I really enjoy doing this work with you and look forward to another light body activation adventure soon.

We welcome your comments & questions below.


Building the Light Body: synthesis of the cranial system, outerbody, kundalini & soul star


Circulate Compassion: Awakening the Feminine Aspect of Your Maturing Heart Chakra