Circulate Compassion: Awakening the Feminine Aspect of Your Maturing Heart Chakra

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Humanity yearns to embody the vibration of the heart chakra, a vibration that harmonizes polarities and generates life. We can move beyond whatever labels or religions that have come to be associated with this frequency, and instead use the energy that’s behind them to propel us towards awakening this vibration within ourselves. Your very body holds the keys for this process. There are practical ways to come into deeper alignment with the the heart, the fourth chakra, in order to experience harmony and love in your daily life while also infusing this frequency into the world around you.

In this podcast we explore a system of unique meditative exercises that have been developed by Saul Goodman over the last 35 years. Each episode includes discussion about the science of your changing self, as well as a guided journey to expand and adjust your developing light body. As always, I encourage you to enter into this material with an open yet discerning mind. These words are merely here to guide you into a direct experience with yourself, and your inner realm should be the primary source of your information and guidance.

What is the heart chakra?

The heart chakra, also referred to as the fourth chakra, is a vortex or portal of energy in your body that’s in a process of acceleration and maturation. As this chakra activates and begins to resonate at higher frequencies, it becomes easier to relate to others with compassion and warmth. You can stimulate the activity of this chakra and increase your capacity to listen, to receive and to love.

The Distortion of the Heart Frequency

The heart chakra reached vibrational maturity over 2000 years ago in linear earth time. However, the impact of this shift hasn’t fully translated into human awareness. The partial reception, and in many cases the distortion of the information created by this transformation, has caused misunderstanding, suffering, and an often blind acceptance of belief systems. This has resulted in centuries of misused power and an often painful, destructive time on the earth. 

There are several reasons for this inaccurate reception of the mature heart vibration. First of all, the human physiology and energy system hadn’t developed enough to accommodate these frequencies and the information they carried. Also, the emotional and belief systems have been stuck in the development of a patriarchal power matrix and a logical, linear explanation of reality. Add to this an immature vibrational body without the capability to process abstract information.

The Male & Female Aspects of the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra that most people are familiar with is in the center of the chest. This is actually only one part of the heart center, the male aspect. Until now, the female part has been veiled, even from those with clairvoyant sight. The female heart center is located at the manubrium (the upper part of the sternum) and energizes the thymus gland. 

The female aspect is now coming into more activity, accelerating the effect of the feminine principle. The energy of this chakra encourages the resolution of personal, family and group conflict. It also helps us transform stagnated energy into positive life force. You can help this process along by working with the forces of the female heart chakra in your own body.

The Synthesis of the Bifurcated Hearth Chakra

As changes take place in our biological and vibrational bodies, the energies of the male and female aspects begin to merge and synthesize. This causes borders to become more permeable, allowing seamless exchange as humans realize the symphonic connection of all peoples. As the heart chakra matures, humanity can collectively realize its right relation with the earth and its resources, and an era of enlightened governance can be experienced on earth. 

On that note, let’s enter into a process to stimulate the activity and synthesis of the heart chakra and explore its role in our personal and planetary experience. Make sure you have a quiet space to focus where you won’t be disturbed. Put on some comfortable clothes, turn off notifications on your phone, and settle in to enjoy your dear self. Here we go….



The Christ consciousness is the expression of the fully activated and mature 4th chakra or heart chakra. It isn’t related to a particular person, deity, or religion, but instead refers to a comprehensive vibration or energy that’s penetrating deeper into the earth plane at this time. It’s simultaneously being produced by the resonance of an increasing number of awakening humans, an awakening that is being stimulated by synchronistic changes taking place in the human anatomy and energy system. Ultimately, a fully awakened humanity itself becomes the heart center of a multidimensional field of activity.

Thanks so much for your presence today and your personal contribution of attention to this co-adventure of consciousness.

We welcome your comments & questions below.


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