Aligning Your Heart, Outerbody & Home - be a conscious participant in your own evolution

Aligning Your Heart, Outerbody & Home - be a conscious participant in your own evolution

You can learn how to make adjustments to your energy system so that emotions and thoughts naturally shift to promote ease and love rather than struggle, anger and depression. Working with your body this way is a key to becoming a conscious participant in this evolutionary process we call life. It’s free and fun and a wonderful gift to give to yourselves and those around you. I invite you to join me as we journey into our selves in order to experience new dimensions of freedom and creativity.

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Light Body Activation - an introductory discussion & guided process

Light Body Activation - an introductory discussion & guided process

This episode is from a livestream presentation hosted by Kumiko Kanayama of the Five Lights Center in New York City, along with the help of Ewa Solonia. We dive into the outerbody layers along with a focus on the heart center and heart governor meridian, and how to activate and use these to generate health and peace. Join in for a consciousness journey to amplify harmony in your body and beyond.

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Livestream Light: using your body to build a consciousness community

Livestream Light: using your body to build a consciousness community

The light body activation materials presented in this podcast provide a reliable framework for you to unveil the power of your own body. In the following journey we review some basic proprioceptive exercise and then head into working with the chakras, cranial bones, kundalini and soul star. There are opportunities for you to follow your own inner guidance as you practice designing your own sequence of focus. We also connect to and contribute to our human consciousness community. Whoever you are, wherever you are and whenever you are listening to this, your response and input affects not only you, but anyone else who listens in the past or future. Your presence becomes part of an ongoing, collaborative event that livestreams love and light into this frequency band of consciousness.

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Your Body is the Key to Access A Network of Energy & Consciousness

Your Body is the Key to Access A Network of Energy & Consciousness

When you apply your conscious attention to something, some of your energy, your essence, flows towards it. In regards to the light body activation material, anytime you’re reading about it, thinking about it, listening to it or practicing it, you’re contributing to the flow of energy in a certain frequency band of activity. Due to the network effect, the more people who interact with it, the more it expands. And the more it expands, the more utility and value it offers to those who use it. Your body is the key to accessing this network of energy and consciousness. In this episode we explore this phenomenon while sensitizing ourselves to the effects we’re having on the network, as well as the effects the network is having on us. How exciting that your participation in these processes creates health, fulfillment, and growth, not only for yourself, but for the entire earth community!

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Aligning Hara & Earth: Connecting to Our Mother

Aligning Hara & Earth: Connecting to Our Mother

Journey into your hara, the center of your physical self. Then focus to align your hara with Earth, nurturing a connection to support your developing light body. Hara is a Japanese word. Anatomically, it refers to the abdomen, but it means much more than that. The hara is seen as a microcosm of a person's whole life, and it plays a major role in translating our ideas, images, and dreams into physical reality. By turning some of your attention inward to strengthen and align your hara, you become a conscious contributor to our manifested reality rather than allowing outside forces to direct the show. Learning to harness your life force in this way could be where your greatest leverage lies.

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The Development of the Global Enlightenment Network

The Development of the Global Enlightenment Network

By bringing attention to your body’s energy system, not only are you activating your own evolution, you’re also contributing to the development of a global enlightenment network. This worldwide transformational web of information, provides a means by which anyone can share their knowledge and experience, strengthening our whole human community as well as other layers of life expression. Learning to feel and adjust different components of your energy system is a key to accessing and leveraging the capacity to use your body as a potent tool for transformation on this network.

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