Empower a Network of Life Force: Working with the Meridians Part II

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Here are some related materials about light body activation and this episode’s topics:


Did you know that there are electromagnetic pathways flowing through your body that have a strong impact on your physical and emotional health? These currents of energy are called meridians. They enliven all systems of the body, including circulation, respiration, immunity and digestion. There are fields of healthcare, like acupuncture and shiatsu, that deal specifically with functioning of the meridians in order to promote better health and alleviate troublesome symptoms. But something most of us may not realize or believe is that we can adjust them with our minds.

Learning to regulate this part of your physiology gives you an empowering option for improving how you feel. It’s also a wonderful way to connect more deeply to the world around you. And with more advanced light body activation work, the meridians become a key interface between the physical and vibrational aspects of our body, providing a means by which we can alter our relationship with gravity in profound ways.

Welcome to the Light Body Activation podcast, where you can explore and directly experience developing parts of your energy system. My intention is to provide reliable, safe and life promoting information that allows you to access parts of yourself that you may have never before identified or felt. We are literally in-form-ing ourselves as we do this work, this play; strengthening and opening our physical form to synchronize with our soul force; empowering our bodies to circulate light within physical form in order to create new expressions of love.

Today we will continue our exploration of meridians, electromagnetic flows of energy that impact our physical, emotional and mental health in profound ways. If you haven’t already listened to the last epidode (Working with the Meridians Part I), I suggest you do that before going further with this one.

Meridians are quite accepted in many eastern countries, as well as being used in acupuncture and shiatsu throughout the world. They’re an integral part of our vibrational self. For all you acupuncturists and shiatsu practitioners out there, this episode is a great way to learn about the meridians by interfacing with them directly rather than just working with them on a conceptual level.

As we discussed in Part I, there are 12 meridians, each associated with an organ or system of the body. There are also 2 central meridians that govern the other 12. It may be helpful to look at a diagram of the meridians (there’s one on our website, the link is in the show notes), but it’s not necessary. Instead of learning about the meridians through our intellectual understanding, let’s let our actual experience lead the way. As much as possible, let preconceived notions and expectations take a back seat.

The main tool that we’ll use to work with our meridians is one that we’ve used in previous episodes: our attention. We’ll sensitize ourselves with some proprioceptive work and then use our attention to generate energy in some of the meridians. Then, we can use our focus and intention to amplify this energy. The main indicator that our mind is truly connecting to a meridian will be the presence of a numb and tingling sensation.

As I’m sitting here, writing this introduction, I’m not sure which meridians we will work with or what exactly we will do. The process itself will guide the process. I’ll be feeling into my body and listening to the meridians themselves, allowing them to guide the journey, validating their presence and encouraging them to speak, live and express through the actual enlivenment of my own physical form. I encourage you to do the same. You are part of this creation. By connecting directly to sensations in your body and letting them be your primary guide, you can relax, listen and enjoy. Not only does this empower the meridians our own bodies, it empowers an expanding network of life force to permeate and nourish our developing human community. After all, it’s no coincidence that we refer to longitudinal lines around the earth as meridians :)

Ok, let’s get started. To do the following process you’ll need to be in a quiet, comfortable space on the floor or in a chair. Turn off your phone and make sure you won’t be disturbed. I don’t recommend you do this while doing something else, like driving or working out. You will need to focus. Here we go….



Be gentle with yourself as you exit from this process. Try not to rush into regular activities right away. If that’s not possible, make sure to drink some water or tea and have something light to eat in order to help contract your membranes.

Keep some of your attention on sensations in and around your body throughout the following hours. The sensations themselves are information. Practice feeling yourself without trying to interpret it all intellectually. If you are struggling to understand something, try to relax and feel into your body instead. Then, in the next days, more mental understandings may filter down that will be quite clear and that you didn’t have to struggle to figure out.

These activations journeys are not meant to help you escape your body or your life here on earth. On the contrary, they are here to empower you towards a full immersion into the present stream of your manifested life. It’s a no-cost form of enlightening entertainment that strengthens your mind, body and spirit. Bottom line is, if you’re listening to this, you have a body! Why not explore this incredible treasure that’s always with you, eager for your attention to turn inwards and activate it, opening doors to expanded dimensions of experience.

Thanks so much for your presence. I really enjoy doing this work with you and look forward to another adventure together soon.

Please support this show by leaving a review on Apple, Spotify or any other podcasting platform. I also welcome your comments and questions on our website. Until next time, enjoy your dear body; within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

If you’d like to share feedback or questions, leave a written message on our website. I‘d love to hear from you and find out what you experienced. Thanks so much for going on this journey with me today and I look forward to another light body adventure with you again soon!

We welcome your comments & questions below.


Expand Your Mental Horizons: The Abstract Brain


Activate a New Layer of Vigor in Your Body: Working with the Meridians Part I