Expand Your Mental Horizons: The Abstract Brain

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    Here are some related materials about light body activation and this episode’s topics:


    Do you know that there’s a part of your brain that isn’t in any anatomy book? It’s called your abstract brain. This is a vibrational extension of your physical brain that’s in a stage of rapid development. When you connect to this part of your growing self with your consciousness and encourage its activity, you enter into expanded dimensions of perception. Like gaining vision into new spectrums of light, you can use your abstract brain to see and process different frequencies of understanding. Realms of information that previously didn’t make sense to your practical mind become more accessible as you gain the capacity to interpret and translate their meanings.

    In this episode we explore the abstract brain, a part of our developing light body. I don’t ask you to believe what I’m saying, but I do ask you to open your mind, literally, to this idea and find out for yourself what’s happening inside (and outside!) of your miraculous brain. Not only can this be entertaining and enlightening, it’s an integral part of your physical, emotional and mental health as you navigate through your our evolving world.

    Welcome to the Light Body Activation podcast, where you can explore and directly experience developing parts of your energy system. My intention is to provide reliable, safe and life promoting information that allows you to access parts of yourself that you may have never before identified or felt. We are literally in-form-ing ourselves as we do this work, this play: developing parts of our bodies to come into more activity through the power of our attention. Using a practical system to expand perception, you can expand your strength, knowledge and flexibility while coming into more synchrony with your soul vibration.

    We see technological innovation around us every day and use the tools it provides. For example, in order to listen to or read this right now you’re using some kind of device that didn’t exist 20 years ago. You probably drive a car sometimes instead of walking, text a friend to tell them something instead of going to their house, and watch a movie to hear someone else’s story rather than gather around a campfire to hear it in person. Right now our systems of value and governance are morphing into decentralized exchanges of information in the form of open-source blockchains and cryptocurrencies. Humans are always creating new ways of doing what we want to do. Technology isn’t just happening outside of us, it’s mirroring the evolving capacities of our own bodies. We are changing as much as it is changing.

    Although we are all changing whether we notice it or not, bringing our consciousness into the process can make it easier, and in my opinion, more fun. If you’re interested in this podcast enough to listen to it, then your light body is already activating. Why not try out some unique tools that can make your life easier and more enjoyable? Do we refuse to turn on a light because we don’t understand electricity? Do we say no to driving because we don’t ‘believe’ in the combustion engine? Of course not! We look at things around us and utilize what appeals to us and what seems to offer new possibilities. Let’s look inside of our own bodies to find out what’s going on and find out how we can engage more deeply in our experience of life, of creation.

    Following is a guided meditative process that will support you in becoming more sensitive to subtle vibrations so that you can interface with your energy system. Then we’ll go through some work with our cranial bones in order to expand the frequencies and open the door to working with the abstract brain. If you haven’t done some of the self-cranial work in a class with a Shin Tai instructor, make sure to listen to the episodes where we introduced working with the cranial bones (Connecting to Nature and Soul Star Alignment) before this one; you will need some beginning instruction in working with the cranial bones to be able to understand some of the core the material in this process. Once we connect more to that part of ourselves, we will listen and learn directly from it.

    If you would like to download a video on the cranial movements along with a ‘Cranial Cheatsheet’ with basic images & info, please sign up for that at the top of this page, underneath the podcast player.

    Let’s let our bodies teach us about our bodies. Like listening to a child and watching their innate wisdom unfold into the loving context of the listening itself, our attention to our brain and its vibrational extension will facilitate its activity and give it some room to express itself more fully. It’s entertaining, healthy, and can bring untold benefits to you in forms you may not yet imagine.

    Ok, let’s get started. To do the following process you’ll need to be in a quiet, comfortable space on the floor or in a chair. Turn off your phone and make sure you won’t be disturbed. I don’t recommend you do this while doing something else, like driving or working out. You will need to focus. Here we go….



    Be gentle with yourself as you exit from this process. Try not to rush into regular activities right away. If that’s not possible, make sure to drink some water or tea and have something light to eat in order to help contract your membranes.

    Keep some of your attention on sensations in and around your body throughout the following hours. The sensations themselves are information. Practice feeling yourself without trying to interpret it all intellectually. If you are struggling to understand something, try to relax and feel into your body instead. Then, in the next days, more mental understandings may filter down that will be quite clear and that you didn’t have to struggle to figure out. Activating the abstract brain is a process that unfolds in stages. You will begin to access new dimensions of information that will present themselves when your body, mind and sprit is ready to assimilate them.

    These activations journeys are not meant to help you escape your body or your life here on earth. On the contrary, they are here to empower you towards a full immersion into the present stream of your manifested life. It’s a no-cost form of enlightening entertainment that strengthens your mind, body and spirit. Bottom line is, if you’re listening to this, you have a body! Why not explore this incredible treasure that’s always with you, eager for your attention to turn inwards and activate it, opening doors to expanded dimensions of experience.

    Thanks so much for your presence. I really enjoy doing this work with you and look forward to another adventure together soon.

    Please support this show by leaving a review on Apple, Spotify or any other podcasting platform. I also welcome your comments and questions on our website. Until next time, enjoy your dear body; within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

    If you’d like to share feedback or questions, please record a voice message or leave a written message on our website (there’s a link in the show notes). I‘d love to hear from you and find out what you experienced. Thanks so much for going on this journey with me today and I look forward to another light body adventure with you again soon!

    We welcome your comments & questions below.


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