Working with the Neck: the shin tai perspective
Improve your neck treatment skills with our online course ‘The Neck: working with the fascia, alignment & energy flow of the cervical region’
When do we work with the neck in a treatment?
Tension and misalignment in the neck region are often a reaction to stress factors elsewhere in the body. Forces of compression and misalignment in the core of the body exert a strong influence on the system, so are considered a priority. Therefore, it is most effective to first free some of those forces before working directly with the neck. So in shiatsu/shin tai, the neck is not usually worked with in the first part of a treatment.
Let’s imagine that you address a cervical vertebra before treating the rest of the spine. The vertebra may not be able to shift until some of the compressive forces lower down in the body are relieved. Even if you are able to facilitate some change, feeling the vertebra soften and become more mobile, it may hold the positive changes for only a short time before reverting to its former restricted condition. Dealing with the end point of a line of repercussions is not the most effective way to treat. For example, if thoracic vertebrae 7 and 8 are twisted out of alignment, the resulting soft tissue stresses may exert a line of tension all the way up into the neck, causing the vertebrae there to be pulled more tightly together. Once you release some of the stress forces around T-7 & T-8, the line of tension loosens or disperses entirely. This makes it easier to now work in the cervical area.
So the neck is generally (not always!) considered a reactive region. We address the core of the body first, with whatever tools we have, in order to relieve some of its influences on the cervical spine. Then the tissues there are more relaxed; there is more space and amplitude of motion and energy flow up into the neck. This provides natural support for any cervical treatment.
It Takes Sensitivity & Skill to Treat the Cervical Spine
Doing manual treatment on the neck region is complex due to the intricacy of the cervical vertebrae and their associated musculature, tendons, ligaments and nerves. In order to work with this area effectively, a practitioner needs to be adept in both palpation and technique. It’s necessary to be able to assess the quality and mobility of the vertebrae as well as small deviations in alignment.
If you are reading this, you most likely have some experience in energetic bodywork. That means you’ve developed some sensitivity of perception and touch that will stand you in good stead if you want to delve deeper into learning some detailed techniques for the cervical spine. Even though you may not have as much training in anatomy, physiology and manual diagnosis as many chiropractors and osteopaths, you do have training in how to feel qualities of the body that may be giving you more information than you realize.
Take your time to be relaxed as you treat the neck region. Set yourself up so that you are comfortable. Let your wrists and fingers be soft so that you can be sensitive to subtle differences in both physical and energetic qualities. If you know proprioceptive exercise, you can use that to expand your perception and sensitivity as you explore the neck region.
Beginning with very simple techniques like stretching and passive tractioning, you can facilitate the flow of space and motion through the neck area. This naturally increases mobility and alignment of the cervical spine. You can then develop more finely tuned methods for working with the vertebrae. Your clients will thank you, as there aren’t many options for passive, non-force adjustments that provide significant relief from misalignment and dysfunction in the neck.
Increasing mobility & alignment = flow of life force
Increasing space and mobility in the cervical spine results in the free flow of life force through this bridge between mind and body. Any techniques that we apply are with the intention of facilitating this flow of energy and information, rather than approaching treatment solely at the physical level of a joint or a muscle, etc.
In order for information to pass smoothly through the neck, its structures must maintain flexibility and alignment. The more free a stretch or rotation feels, the more information can flow through that area. When the head can turn more fully to one side or the other, the function of the meridians, muscles and joints in the area improves.
When the neck becomes stiff, it causes a separation of the upper and lower body spheres. A departure from wholeness takes place. The body and mind are literally disconnected. Thoughts and ideas become disconnected from the body’s strength to digest, circulate and create. This has many ramifications that emanate into all spheres of one’s life.
When the cervical spine is flexible and strong and aligned, perspective widens and one is able to see and listen clearly.
When the turning of the head is restricted, we lose our full range of vision and listening and start to become fixed in what we see and hear. When the cervical spine is flexible and strong and aligned, perspective widens and one is able to see and listen clearly. More specific issues like headaches, neck pain, digestive disturbances, upper back and shoulder problems can be addressed through working with the joints, musculature and nerves of the neck.
Interference of information due to compression and misalignment in the neck can be a result of many influences. Organic problems, poor posture, trauma and various levels of stress can all contribute. The meridians of the bladder, triple heater, gall bladder, stomach, large intestine and small intestine all move through the neck and therefore affect the way it works. Dysfunction of the neck can subsequently disrupt the flow of these meridians as well as the thyroid, digestive glands and consequently a myriad of other body activities.
Improve your neck treatment
Without learning anything new, you can greatly improve your cervical treatment skills by simply increasing your awareness. Let’s review the main points in how we approach the neck in shin tai and how they can up your cervical game:
Notice the effects of working with the neck after doing other things to free up the body vs. trying to go right to the cervical area. You can learn so much about how forces express themselves through the body and how to best provide relief for those you touch.
Your bodywork training stands you in good stead to be able to palpate and treat the neck very effectively. Take your time to be relaxed as you treat the neck region. Let your wrists and fingers be soft so that you can be sensitive to subtle differences in both physical and energetic qualities.
Bring your attention to how motion and energy begin to flow more freely through areas as they soften and release. When you notice this, it amplifies the effects.
Passive Positioning Correction