The Heart Chakra: a key to synthesizing your physical & spiritual life

Humans aren’t finished evolving. The part of our physiology that’s developing rapidly at this time is our energy system, including the chakras, outerbody layers and kundalini channels. This phase of activation is generating changes in our physical, emotional and mental condition.

As your body goes through this process it creates many positive shifts, like expansion of consciousness and lots of energy, as well as negative symptoms, such as oversensitivity and immune issues. It also changes the way you experience and create reality.

The heart chakra, which is an energy center that lies between the lower 3 and upper 3 chakras, has its own unique path of development. As it matures, it acts as a bridge between this third dimensional, physical plane and other more expanded emotional, creative and spiritual dimensions. It gives you the capacity to manage your practical needs (like job, finances, relationships, home, etc.) as well as the needs as your awakening consciousness.

To learn more about how you can use your heart chakra to feel engaged and fulfilled in both the physical and transcendent aspects of your life, click the play button below:

Learn how to harmonize your chakras with the online course ‘The Chakra Workout’:


The Chakra Workout - life changing practices for health, wealth & adventure


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