Getting into Your Chakras - an interactive article

Getting into Your Chakras - an experiment

You can use your mind to connect to and affect your energy system. This includes your chakras, which are vortexes of energy that vitalize your physical body. Learning how to do this is great for your health, while opening up a whole new dimension of experience in daily life. That’s what light body activation is all about.

Reading about chakras, thinking about chakras, hearing about chakras….. these things alone can begin to activate these energy centers in your body. There are also mandalas, symbols, yoga practices and sounds that can stimulate the chakras. We believe that it is most effective and safe to use both your consciousness and body together to directly connect to these dynamic powerhouses. This opens the door so you can penetrate deeply into your body to ground the changes at a practical level rather than just mental stimulation.

Let’s try a little experiment right now. Before you read any further, take a few deep slow breaths. Bring the air along the back of your nasal passages. Now breathe more quietly, as if you are whispering your breath.

Notice how you feel in your body. Can you feel the shape of yourself as you read these words? Close your eyes for a moment and see if you can feel an image of your outline.

Now send attention to your solar plexus. As you focus in this area, see if you can generate a numb or tingling sensation there. Breathe slowly and quietly along the back of your nose. Close your eyes and try again to gently feel into your solar plexus. Do you notice any sensations there? If you do, your mind is beginning to connect to your body. And now your mind, your consciousness, can do some pretty interesting things with this.

Let’s go a little further. On purpose, gently tighten and then release tension in your solar plexus. Do this a few times. Keep some attention on any numb or tingling sensations that you notice in that region. Now stop the tensing and releasing and encourage the solar plexus to relax. Feel into this area and notice any sensations.

If you don’t notice much of anything don’t worry. Just notice what you do notice, even if it is nothing. That alone has value. Sometimes it can take a few more steps to expand into a place where you can feel subtle sensations, and like anything else, this takes practice. Most of us have been trained from a very early age to send our attention away from our body, so it can take a little time and guidance to find your way back into your dear self. Anyone can increase their ability to feel and adjust their energy system, and that includes you!

A relaxed solar plexus = patience, balanced energy and an increased capacity to digest information. After making this small adjustment to your body, it may be that you notice something different in your experience as you read the rest of this article.

Learn more in our online course 'Chakras & Soul Star Alignment'


Learn more in our online course 'Chakras & Soul Star Alignment' 〰️

What are the chakras?

The various components of your developing light body each have their own physiology and functions. A primary part of of this system is the chakras. Chakras are vortexes of energy that provide an interface between the physical body and the more vibrational aspects of yourself .

There are 7 main chakras that lie along the centerline of your body. There are also numerous secondary chakras dispersed throughout the torso, legs, arms and head, which can be utilized at later stages of vibrational development. Each chakra contributes physical, emotional and psychological qualities to our personality and its expression, but the expressions of the chakras continues to change as you develop and grow.

Most charts list individual chakras as being responsible for certain functions, however most functions of the body are a result of interplay among several chakras. There is also variation among different writings which describe each chakra's influence. This is due to many factors, including individual diversity and development through time, influences of nature and from other higher consciousness dimensions.

You Can Adjust Your Chakras

When a chakra operates smoothly, the physical functions related to it work well. Due to a buildup of stress and restriction, a chakra can become over- or underactive, constricted or too loose, misaligned or distorted. This leads to negative conditions or symptoms in the body, emotions and thought processes.

Understanding and experiencing the chakras is a vital step in the quest for vibrational growth. You can learn how to connect directly to your chakras to find out what they are, what they do and how to adjust them. In our upcoming online course ‘Chakras & Soul Star Alignment’ you'll learn in-depth exercises to balance the chakras and therefore harmonize the related functions, emotions and mind sets. In other words, you can regulate the qualities and expressions generated by each chakra in your daily activities. This gives you a potent option for self-treatment and self-development as well as enlightening entertainment!

Opening the Door to Working with Your Chakras

It can be really interesting to read about chakras. We can feel excitement and intellectual curiosity as we think about them and form conceptual ideas about them. But it can be much more satisfying to actually interface directly with these very dynamic parts of your being.

In order to make this connection, it's necessary to expand the frequencies of your body and sensitize to more subtle, vibrational perceptions. We use a unique form of meditative activity called proprioceptive exercise to do this. This involves specific types of movement and focus that stimulate your proprioceptive system, which is part of your nervous system that monitors alignment. There are very simple as well as quite involved levels to this work.

These exercises are not what you might think of as typical workout exercises, although they do develop strength, flexibility and vitality. They are are keys that open vibrational doorways, allowing you to enter different dimensions of experience in a grounded and safe way. You will notice sensations that formerly did not register consciously. Your perception will shift to a cellular or microcosmic dimension where space and time have very different qualities. This process opens the door to connect to energetic components of your developing light body so that you can explore and work with them on purpose.

Once you are sensitized, you can then enter into the chakras to make adjustments that enrich your physical, emotional and mental health. Rather than using words and conceptual knowledge as the primary source of information, you'll use your body to directly explore these parts of your expanding self.

So how do you feel? Was this interesting for you? Does it make it more fun to do something, even as simple as reading, while being more aware of your body? Please leave feedback/comments/questions below, we would love to hear from you.

Explore our online course ‘Chakras & Soul Star Alignment’ :


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