Light Body Activation: A Portal to Decentralized Spiritual Growth - Part II
This is Part II of a three part article on light body activation
The Construction of the Light Body
The light body begins its gestation as a more simple organized energy field which functions as a bio-plasmic membrane or outerbody. In its earlier stages of development, the light body might be referred to as the outerbody, aura, bioplasmic body or consciousness field. It is a membrane that has the core qualities of the cellular membrane: semi-permeability and selective permeability.
Evolution of the membrane principle translates into the outerbody. It carries out its functions, however, in relationship to vibrations and frequencies. Unlike the cell membranes, which are regulated by an unconscious mechanism, the outerbody membranes are ultimately destined to be regulated consciously, particularly in regards to information, emotions, psychological input, and interactions with high frequency vibrations (spiritual influences).
Layers of the Light Body
The light body has many layers and components that interact to produce paradigm shifting influences on the body/mind and life system. Let’s begin with describing the following layers of the light body.
Etheric layer: The etheric layer is a protective immune related layer close to the physical body. It extends 2-3” out from the skin surface. It is an energetic envelope that maintains physical integrity and modifies incoming frequencies if they are disruptive to homeostasis.
Emotional layer: The emotional layer extends out 1/2 - 3’ from the body, depending on the activity of the person. It has a magnetic quality and is sometimes referred to as the astral body.
Mental Layer: The mental layer projects out to 6’ from the physical body and has a radiatory quality. There is a vibrational membrane/skin at its periphery that contains the “personality self” and protects the evolving human from frequencies that are too intense for integration. It is like a bioplasmic or energetic placenta. During the awakening or spiritual birth, this membrane gradually becomes more permeable, allowing soul based frequencies to enter the system, which then produces involutionary events.
While all of the outerbody layers extend out from the physical body, it is lesser known that they penetrate deeply into the body, down to the cellular/molecular level.
The measurements given for each layer from the physical body are linear guidelines. In reality, as we go out into each layer, the frequencies expand, changing the meaning of distance, space and time. Each layer, as it registers in the awareness, becomes a dimension of activity for the vibrational being; this is similar to the way the earth’s atmosphere accommodates the physical body.
As in every phase of evolution, the system that is accelerating in its development emerges to accommodate life in an expanded, higher dimension. Ex.: water life of ancient ocean, air life when land emerged from the ancient ocean, vibrational life: a non physical consciousness plane.
Components of the Light Body
Chakras are energy vortexes that distribute life force, or chi, to the physical body while influencing the emotions, consciousness and capabilities of a person. They provide information to the system that ranges from practical to abstract, scientific to metaphysical. In a more advanced state, chakras are the propulsion faculties of the light body vehicle.
The kundalini are two energy channels that weave in a double helix, vertically through the body. They serve as the DNA of the evolving energy matrix and act as nuclear fuel rods for the mature light body process. At an accelerated frequency due to synergistic activity within the system these channels give birth to a high frequency energy channel called the sushumna. The sushumna further accelerates the development of the extraordinary senses.
The Extraordinary Senses
The extraordinary senses are a continuation in the evolution of our senses. Whereas the physical senses enable discernment of sight, sound, texture and taste and smell, the emerging extraordinary senses detect similar phenomenon above and below the normal frequency range of physical sensory perception. The extraordinary senses are:
Vibrational sight or clairvoyance: Clairvoyance is the capacity to see the energy body, chakras, and kundalini. It give access to cellular memory, both past and future, and to the reading of the akashic records. It gives the ability to perceive unfolding vibrational impressions and understand how they might manifest into future events.
Clairsentience: Clairsentience is the ability to feel without physically touching. It gives the possibility for distance healing and is connected to the development of human sonar.
Clairaudience: Clairaudience is the ability to hear sub and supra audio tones. It can be called the third ear. As this sense develops, doctors and therapists will approach healing based on the harmonic relationships of the physical and biplasmic bodies.
Clairodorance: Clairodorance is perceiving smells above and below the normal frequency range. It is also the ability to pick up odorous qualities that are part of incoming psychic or telepathic information.
Discernment: Discernment is the higher sense of taste. Utilizing proprioceptive information along with intuitive impressions, it enables quality evaluation of frequencies entering our biplasm sphere. This includes information, ideas, communications, and psychic/telepathic input. It is the root of independent truth verification.
Telepathy & Sonar: Continuing the evolution of our communication faculties, this sense allows us to broadcast/receive nonlinear, multisensory images and impressions. When the outerbody reaches expanded levels of permeability it produces a non resistant corridor for sonar and telepathic transmissions.
The Cranial System
The human cranium is composed of 28 different bones, almost all of which are joined together by sutures (except the mandible, or jaw bone). Sutures are rigid articulations that permit small amounts of movement. The articulations of each suture can become more or less mobile depending on different stress forces in the body and the cranium.
Although the movements between the bones of the cranium are small compared to the gross movements that are obvious in many of our other joints (such as the shoulder or knee joint), they provide important functions for the whole system, both physically and energetically. Cranial motion can be amplified and balanced through bodywork touch therapies, such as shiatsu shin tai or craniosacral therapy, and also through consciousness. Releasing restrictions in the cranial system enables the recovery of trapped and unavailable life force for greater physical, emotional, and mental health.
The activation of the cranial system also enables the development of human telepathy and sonar. Most of us do not think of our skulls as radio stations, but they function in a similar way. However most of our stations are broadcasting unclear and fragmented information due to the lack of cranial mobility, and lack of conscious awareness about the process. By expanding the bioplasmic outerbody and consciously activating increased cranial motion, people can transmit and receive information more effectively and accurately.
At its root, the cranial system is physiological. As the more primitive outerbody develops into the mature light body, the cranial rhythm pulses at a greater amplitude, which facilitates the function of human sonar. The wider range of movement in the cranial system produces broadcast waves and creates space for the next version of the brain to organize. This could be called the abstract brain, which is a nonphysical energy configuration that extends from the frontal brain and appears outside the cranium.
The Evolved Cell
As the light body matures, it takes on the configuration of a cell: the physical body becomes the nucleus and the outer body appears as vibrational cytoplasm. It is an evolved cell with many of the primitive cellular functions now being regulated consciously, while also enabling movement in non physical dimensions.
The Challenges of Light Body Activation
As the new light body operating system comes online, its paradigm shifting effect on the consciousness challenges our existing physiology, chemistry and emotional/mental homeostasis. It challenges our sense of who we are and what’s important. It challenges our values, choices of activity, life style, and goals. It can disrupt beliefs and cause us to question our fundamental definitions of health, happiness, truth and love. It can alter our food attractions and dietary needs. The accelerated frequencies of the light body moving though the physical/vibrational bodies can cause friction and difficulties in relationships, work interests, and time management.