The Evolution of Sexuality & Gender Part II
Tap into the power of your sexual energy for personal healing and empowerment
The Evolution of Sexuality & Gender - Part 2
This class will advance the materials and guided processes offered in Part 1. It is recommended to take Part I before doing this course, but not necessary.
Explore the evolution of sexuality and gender that is taking place in as the light body develops and learn how the chakras, endocrine glands and sexual energy contribute to this process. This will be a day of light body activation, which is a type of meditative work centered on your developing energy system. Activities will include working with the endocrine glands, chakras, bioplasmic outerbody and cranial system.
You will learn how to tap into the power of your energy system through the transformation of sexual energy, and how to use that for personal healing and empowerment. This new material is being presented to support us as we evolve into expanded expressions of identity and creativity.
Please note: After registering, you will receive access to an (unedited) recording of this 4 hour livestreamed event.
This class advances the materials offered in Part 1. It is recommended to take Part I before doing this course, but not necessary.
INSTRUCTOR: Saul Goodman
DATE: April 15, 2023
COST: $150
REGISTER: Click the button below:
Topics Include:
Transformation of sexual energy for personal healing
Coordination of the chakras with the cranial rhythm
Identifying different dimensions of orgasm
Synthesis of the male/female heart chakra
Activation of the pituitary/pineal/hypothalamus glands
Saul Goodman, founder of the International School of Shiatsu and author of Light Body Activation, has developed and taught these unique processes for over 30 years throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Previous Experience Recommended
Saul will present processes, information & technique that integrate previous class materials. It is recommended that you have some previous experience before doing this class, including Part 1 of this class, although it’s not necessary.
Options include:
Part 1 of The Evolution of Sexuality & Gender
Listen to the Light Body Activation podcast
Online courses Light Body I and/or Light Body II
Shin Tai or Light Body Activation courses, especially Light Body I, II and III and/or the previous Light Body Exploration Days