Light Body Activation III:
New Frontiers in Worldly Integration
Light Body Activation III
We continue with anchoring the light body faculties within the human life. Utilizing the skills obtained in the previous two modules, this course deep dives into healing the physical body, mobilizing the life force and further aligning our life activities with the power of the soul path. By regulating the chakra flow together with the cranial rhythm we are able to increase life force distribution to organs and glands via nerve plexus and fascial tissue in real time. This enables stabilization of blood sugar levels (energy) and emotional overwhelm, along with releasing mental negativity.
Consciously connecting to the body’s life force rhythm initiates further regeneration of the thymus gland, which serves as the root of the female heart chakra. The energy of this chakra encourages the resolution of personal, family and group conflict while facilitating the transformation of stagnated energy into positive life force.
Light Body Activation III expands the consciousness playground to include interacting with nature forces, traveling through the telepathic/sonar corridor, human photosynthesis, and listening with the third ear. It adds enjoyment and stimulation to the growth process via awakened entertainment.
The deeper integration of the light body clarifies life experiences as it reveals talent and personal value that we may have overlooked. Appreciation becomes a prosperity producing theme in the perception of self, others and the global landscape.
Saul Goodman, founder of the International School of Shiatsu and author of Light Body Activation, has developed and taught these unique processes for over 30 years throughout the U.S. and Europe.
Please note: This is a 3 day class that had only been offered once. Register below to receive the full recordings from this event:
INSTRUCTOR: Saul Goodman
COST: $600
REGISTER: Click the button below or email
Topics Include:
Discovering the power of life force rhythm and how to release it therapeutically throughout the body/mind
Distributing the chakra energy to regulate the body, mind and emotions; utilizing chakra coordination with the cranial rhythm, nerve plexus and glandular system
Regulating acceleration and deceleration of the kundalini flow; the DNA and nuclear fuel rods of the light body
Healing specific conditions & symptoms by self-activating chakras and acupuncture points
Healing relationship and family friction continued….
Neutralizing and transforming frictional forces coming from psychic negativity and emotional debris; psychic protection
Soul star alignment and further connection to into the chakra system; the anointment with oil or spiritual orgasm
Walking between the worlds