Spiritual Birth: gestation & maturation of the light body

Although we can see that our world is changing, we may not realize that our bodies are also changing. The human energy system is developing to accommodate a shift into expanded dimensions of experience. Much like an actual baby being born, this process has stages of 'labor' that we can use to better understand what is happening to us.

If you're interested enough to be reading this, your system is already in a process of accelerating change that we could call a spiritual birth. This can cause physical, emotional and mental strain. It may have you feeling overwhelmed, anxious or out of sorts in your life. Learning how to recognize and navigate the phases of this birth can help you stay grounded and clear while in the midst of this transition.

Click on the link below to learn more about this process in which we are each involved. It is a clip from ‘Light Body Exploration VI: evolution & spiritual birth’, a livestream class that was held on 19 February 2022. It is part of a series of ongoing explorations in light body activation. To register for the recordings to this whole class, please go to https://shintaiinternational.com/light-body-exploration-vi.

Light body activation refers to the accelerating development of the human energy system. This material from Saul Goodman presents a framework for learning how to feel and work with your evolving body for greater health, fulfillment and adventure.

Click the play button below to learn more about this process of spiritual birth:

Delve deeper with our online course Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody:


Spinal Alignment via the Cranial Sutures: a short demonstration


BodyTalk 1