Adjust the Vertebrae through the Cranial Sutures

Would you like to know a gentle yet very effective way to adjust misaligned vertebrae? Especially after getting things flowing in governing vessel & the bladder meridian, you may sometimes notice that treating vertebral subluxations would be very helpful to your clients. In fact, many people who come for bodywork are looking for alternatives to the typical 'cracking' adjustments they may get from a chiropractor.

The good news is that it's possible to do penetrating, non-force vertebral adjustments through the cranial sutures! This technique is safe, reliable and very effective. Bringing the spine into more alignment helps the other work you do sink deeper into the body, bridging the positive energetic changes into the bones. You just have to know how to prepare the body, evaluate the vertebrae and apply the technique.

How does this work? The cranial sutures are rich in proprioceptors, a part of the nervous system that monitor position and force in order to promote alignment. Through these proprioceptive circuits of information, we can access the vertebrae to increase alignment, mobility and energy flow. This can support you to increase the health and consciousness to those you touch. And a big plus is that in order to do this work, you'll be expanding your own perception and alignment.

Click the play button below to learn a little more about this technique:

Learn this method with our online course ‘Cranial Suture Vertebral Adjustments’:


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