Transforming Emotional Debris into Creative Fuel
Your Body is Evolving
If you’re interested enough in light body activation to be reading this, your energy system is in a state of rapid development. The vibrational field around your physical body is likely expanding and becoming more permeable. This means that not only are you receptive to beneficial energies, you are vulnerable to vibrations which may deplete your life force and/or create emotional and physical stress. It’s important that you learn how to recognize when this is occurring so that you can adjust your system to create an energetic boundary. Preserving your sovereignty in this way is a wonderful way to care and respect for your dear self.
The Outerbody is a Semi-Permeable Membrane
Your outerbody is a selective, semi-permeable membrane.
Your outerbody functions as a selective, semi-permeable membrane, much like a cell wall. In other words, it can choose what comes in and goes out, and what doesn’t. This dynamic part of your vibrational physiology is composed of 3 layers: the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. Keep in mind that this is a linear way to describe something quite abstract; the actual experience of your outerbody may be quite different than anything words could describe. On the edge of the outerbody, also called the bioplasmic body, there’s another membrane. This delineates your vibrational field from the space ‘outside’ of you.
Increased permeability of the bioplasmic membrane can have both positive and negative effects, so it’s important to learn how to regulate it. It’s just as important to keep toxic psychic, emotional and even physical (pollutants) debris out as it is to allow in love and light. With practice you can discern how open/closed your membrane is and how to change it at will so that you can manage what’s coming in and going out. This empowers you to use the membrane as a protective boundary.
Permeability: The Pros & the Cons
Your system probably tends to be on the more permeable side, which is why you’re even open to exploring these ideas. Some things which can indicate a high degree of permeability are sensitivity to sound, light and/or touch, as well as sensitivity to other people’s feelings and thoughts. Someone with a relatively permeable membrane literally has ‘thinner skin’ and so can receive information in vibrational form, before it’s shared through body language or speech.
There’s probably someone you know who you would describe as ‘thick skinned.’ Things tend to roll off their back: verbal insults, loud crowded places, a chaotic household…. nothing seems to phase them too much. There’s a good chance that this person’s bioplasmic body is not in a very permeable state. They do have thicker skin, or at least thicker, denser membrane. By the way, a subtle hint is not a good method of getting this person’s attention, because it simply will not register.
Learning to Regulate the Outerbody Membrane
As your energy system develops through light body exercises, various components activate and align. This creates a further expanding of the outerbody, leaving you more sensitive to coarse vibrations as well as those ones to which you want to be open. The good news is that it’s a simple thing to learn how to lessen permeability whenever you need. The key is your attention.
If you become overwhelmed by sensory, emotional or psychological information, you can bring your attention to the membranes and imagine that they’re more impermeable, more dense. This immediately and naturally brings them into a less porous state. Another key factor is to bring your attention to sensations in your physical body, like muscles and your bones. It’s great to play with opening and closing your outerbody membranes when you’re in a safe quiet space, in order to learn about the varying sensations and effects. With practice, you’ll develop a keen awareness of this very dynamic part of yourself.
To explore this directly, you’re welcome to listen to a guided process which goes over step-by-step how you can come into conscious interaction with your outerbody membranes:
Coming into Deeper Relationship with High Frequency Forces
After hearing about the vulnerabilities that an expanded, permeable outerbody presents, you may be wondering why anyone would encourage this. Permeability can open us to integrating with soul vibrations as well as other expressions of life. Often people feel very moved when the membrane softens, especially if it has been in a rigid state. As you reunite with more expanded frequencies of yourself it’s such a relief. It can feel like coming home or into a mother's arms, especially when soul frequencies align and blend into the body.
Permeability also makes it easier to connect deeply with those you love in ways that are mutually enhancing. Many people are going about their daily lives without experiencing a depth of connection with others, even those in their own family. Adjusting the body frequencies and opening our borders brings new possibilities for exchanging ideas, feelings and love.
The capacity to connect extends beyond human relationships to include any other expression of life, including the life force which permeates the materialized plane. Being disconnected from the energy which generates ourselves and our world can leave us depleted and depressed. It’s a natural part of our evolution to expand into deep relationship and alignment with the greater cosmic fabric of which we are a part.
So you can continue the journey of expansion while bringing awareness to this idea of vibrational boundaries. Because as your energy system accelerates, so does the need to be able to regulate it. There’s no need to go about this in a defensive or paranoid manner, but there is a need to take into account that moving into new dimensions of experience requires new tools to navigate safely. If you went hiking in a new environment that had a different plants, animals, and climate than you were used to, you would certainly consider it a good idea to find out what you might need for a fulfilling and safe expedition.
Transforming Negative or Residual Vibrations
As you move through your daily life, there are many forces present in your environment. These may include people, pets, plants, insects…. sounds, smells and visual information…. phone signals, radio waves…. solar flares, stardust and gravitational waves. Add into all of that the thoughts and feelings of over 7.6 billion humans and you’ve got a vibrational smorgasbord permeating the fabric of your world. Whether or not you register any of these vibrations consciously, they certainly have an effect on your body and mind. In fact, they may be playing a larger part than you realize, especially as your energy system expands and accelerates.
Negative or aggressive psychic energies can be very penetrating and don’t necessarily operate on a linear timeline. It could be that things that happened in the past or future can be quite present in your vibrational field. It is possible to metabolize any toxic vibrations that have infiltrated your outerbody. This gives you the ability to generate creative energy from unwanted emotional and psychic debris. It’s an awakened type of recycling that you can use to create a more vibrant inner environment for yourself and those you love.
The Evolved Mitochondria
As your consciousness awakens, new components are activated in your energy body, which becomes an evolved cell. This is a continuation of the development of your physical/energetic organism, where the physical body serves as the nucleus, the kundalini channels serve as the DNA, and the outerbody acts as an interactive, conscious membrane. The outerbody is the sum total of the etheric, emotional and mental bodies. It behaves much like the cytoplasm of a cell, and has components which serve various functions.
Once of the evolving components in the outerbody could be considered a vibrational mitochondria, which can create energy for the developing light body (mitochondria are organelles in a cell that generate energy for the cell’s functions). It’s possible to use your consciousness to activate these vibrational mitochondria, and then use them to digest and purify dense toxic vibrations that are present. In order to do this, it’s necessary to first expand your body frequencies so that you can feel and regulate your outerbody. Then, you can consciously induce the presence of a roaming spiral vortex that will function like a mitochondria.
Metabolizing Negative Emotional & Psychic Debris
Once vibrational debris comes into contact with the vortex, it’s accelerated into higher frequencies and dissolved. This procedure neutralizes the destructive, energy draining effect that occurs from negative vibrations, like anger, guilt, resentment, hatred, blame, jealousy, or prejudice. The vortex naturally transforms these toxic substances into purified streaming energy that can be used like a high quality fuel. You can then utilize it for creative projects, healing or just getting things done.
If the negatively was projected towards you from another person, you can then to use it to open channels of communication and empathy in the very direction from where it originated. This relaxes polarized views and helps to ease the force of destructive subconscious thought forms. We focus on the manubrium (the upper part of your sternum) for this part of the process, since it is the location of the female aspect of the heart chakra, to activate healing energies that enhance emotional and psychological vibrancy.
Is this just a fantasy or does it really work?
In order to know whether this concept of recycling negative vibrations is valid, you’ll have to experience it directly. Otherwise it is just an idea or a fantasy. If you would like to learn a simple, safe procedure for working with this material, there will soon be a guided journey that will walk you through the process.
Although you can do this procedure anytime, it’s particularly helpful if you feel fatigued or vulnerable. Perhaps you’ve had a recent event that you feel has negatively affected you, draining your physical, emotional or mental resources. This process is a wonderful way to help you recover some of your life force and also learn how to better prepare in the future when going into an activity or event that you feel may be challenging. After all, your body is evolving. It will serve you to evolve your understanding of your system and how you can set yourself up for an enjoyable and fulfilling evolution.