Why don't you focus on spirits, deities & entities in the light body activation work?

In the shin tai and light body activation work there is not a focus on identified spirits, deities, divine beings, entities, etc. There are some specific reasons for this. Since people ask about it periodically in classes or emails, we felt it would be of value to post a recent exchange about this topic. We welcome you to participate in the discussion in the comments section below this post.

Email from shin tai practitioner Jenna Devore:

“I’ve spent a considerable amount of time reflecting on the topics of spirits, archetypes, entities and deities as identified in many practices. Shamanic realms refer to spirits. The Inca associate archetypal energy to the different directions (i.e. the south is associated with the snake, the north with the hummingbird). Also, many cultures speak of ghosts or other entities, energy that has consciousness without physical form.

When presenting the light body activation material, energy and frequencies are discussed without having attached symbolism, mythos or other labels that are often used elsewhere. I really resonate with this way of approaching these concepts.

But there’s also this world within shamanism that resonates with me. I interact with these ‘spirits‘ which I see as clusters of specific frequencies or particular patterns of energy movement. I have some difficulty forming delineation between the ‘shaman’ world and that of the light body activation work. To me, the two do not necessarily conflict with each other, but the language is different. Shamanism uses symbolism and identifies certain ‘frequencies’ with labels that are often more familiar.

Another point is that ‘Westerners’ (Europe & the U.S.) may have difficulty relating to the origins of shamanism and the context in which it was created and intended to be practiced. It could be that we can’t really recognize its full nature, meaning, and significance. This creates a sometimes inauthentic nature in modern shamanic practices. I feel there is a certain responsibility when diving into such practices and studies to know what we can and can not fully understand or integrate. Otherwise, we could fall into a pattern of beliefs that are likely to be distorted or out of context.


I use an objective tone on purpose when communicating about energy and consciousness. Often times we humans are drawn to experiencing events at a very emotionally charged level. Instead of functioning as a powerful means of growth and guidance, emotions can end up preventing the penetration of information into the full spectrum of our being. I strive to present information without using the magnetism of emotion and glamour in order to give you the most space possible to absorb and interpret it.

Rather than delineate some ways as good or not as good, I would say that each person and tradition is not only interacting with a particular 'set' of frequencies, but also interpreting information through their own unique framework of psychological, emotional and physical matrixes, both personal and cultural. This will color any type of contact/interaction with other fields of reality.

It’s important that we embrace our contemporary selves and look for our inherent strengths and values. Sometimes we try to replace our own experience with that of another time and place in order to avoid engaging in what is actually presenting. It’s a version of ‘the grass is greener over there’ syndrome where we crave some other tradition or time or place that somehow seems better, more real, more spiritual.

The forms and identifications used in many practices are meant to be used as a reference point for human perception. The information that gets transmitted is from certain frequency levels; these may be streaming frequencies that carry higher consciousness information, and also forces of nature that are infused with these frequencies. The labels and images are so the human can recognize and identify them.

Once the frequencies in-form (come into form) they can become locked into static matrixes, no longer able to express clearly. They can end up creating friction between people who become attached to their interpretation and meaning. Letting go of these projected identities is a big step for humans.

An added note:

When presenting the shin tai and light body activation materials, we always encourage you to enter into it with an open yet discerning mind. Any words that are used to frame, describe or delineate this body of information are inherently flawed in their capacity to convey ‘truth’ and can only approach an accurate portrayal. We welcome you to use them to guide you into a direct experience with yourself and the world around you. This way, your inner realm can be the primary source of your information and guidance.


The Age of Spiritual Birth


Your Body is the Key to Accessing a Network of Energy & Consciousness