Central Channel
The gateway to present time
Central Channel
In this 6 day course intensive we delve into a unique system of evaluation and treatment for the central channel of the body, with a focus on the meninges.
The Central Channel is a circuit of life force that moves along the pathway of the spinal cord. It directly affects the functioning of the meninges, the spine, the central nervous system, the Governing Vessel meridian, the chakras, and the craniosacral fluid. Using non-force techniques, practitioners learn to identify and work with six distinct stages of stress to release and reintegrate trapped life force. Release of meningal stress patterns helps to improve a myriad of physical problems along with increasing emotional, mental and spiritual health.
Stress patterns hold all of the sensory and vibrational information related to the events that caused them. In order to do this, the body uses life force which is then stored in a soft tissue memory matrix. The memory matrix operates as an information grid, which inaccurately filters present time perception. Since life force is held in a past time memory information, it is no longer available for use in present time (reality) events.
This class is for practitioners who have already taken Governing Vessel or Conception Vessel. Also, many students repeat Central Channel, since it usually takes extensive practice to use skillfully.
LOCATION: Pipersville, PA, USA
DATES: November 4-6 & 8-10, 2024
TIME: 10am - 5:30pm each day
COST: $900/$300 repeat fee
INSTRUCTOR: Lynn Goodman
Topics Include:
Treatment of specific stress patterns via non-force contacts (Stage I - VI)
Correction of the short leg
Restoring the three phases of resonance
Therapeutic application of proprioceptive suggestions
Development of a reliable linear treatment model
The process of recovering the lost self via the recovery of life force
The phases of re-entering present time
How energy/life force is lost through the stress events
Critical point theory: achieving the greatest result with the least amount of effort
Evaluation Tools
Perceiving radiation
Leg length check
Critical point palpation
Three phases of resonance
Holographic image projection
We explore the role that the body condition plays in emotional, psychological, and life dysfunction. Theoretical understanding is presented as to how stress patterns, which have been internalized over time, hold life force in an unavailable state. You learn how to evaluate the stress patterns and how to release them. Life force is then recovered and recycled into the present time needs of the mind and body.